[-] PoisonedPrisonPanda@discuss.tchncs.de 60 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

So many publications are not worth reading.

Im all in for a revolution of science.

No more bullshitting. No "800 words" required.

If youre able to explain something in 5 sentences and put a table and plot with the results. Do it. No need to elaborate in 5 pages how fucked up your ability is to use thesaurus for synonyms.

Edit. Usually i read the headline and put the article into my bibtex library.

Jokes aside.

It really is exhausting to always seek for knowledge.

I think everybody needs a little bit of silence in his head once in a while.

[-] PoisonedPrisonPanda@discuss.tchncs.de 26 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Looking at the hateful comments gives me shivers when thinking how humans will proceed with machines on an emotional level.

If we ever reach sentinent AI, it will go towards I-Robot plot. Ill bet.

Edit typos

I think steam in general is a proof that its a service issue

I was fucking around with my windows pc.

And then i found out that you can fuck more around in linux, and that was the story of my first ubuntu iso burned on a cd.

I had no clue about anything but was blown away by something "different"

being 3 years in his phd

This meme become even better

im fucking impressed

Im amazed by peoples creativity.

I havent thought until now that such things like translations can be misused for hate speech.


Always look on the bright side of life....

You dont own it thenyou just have it available on your account.

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