Nuremburg bombing intensify

[-] 18 points 13 hours ago

Of course not, neither were the good^TM^ Japanese last time.

[-] 28 points 13 hours ago

That's only half of it, the most hilarious outcome would be if China then said "Fuck off gusanos, btw we expropriated your assets"

[-] 14 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Looks like symptom of Elacca drug:

The Elacca drug is a narcotic that was formed by the burning of Elacca Wood of the planet Ecaz. Its main characteristic when administered was that it would eliminate the user's will for self-preservation. As a result, it was popular during the days of the Imperium, when it would be administered to gladiators to prepare them for the ring.

Typically, those who had been drugged with this substance would display a carrot-coloured pigmentation to their skin.

Also, we're going WW3

it would eliminate the user's will for self-preservation

[-] 4 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Unless i don't see most of them, there's like 10-15 posts per day in dunk tank. Rule 8 would have sense if there was flood there, but there isn't, i would say it's opposite, 10 posts per day is shameful for terminally online nerds like we are considering the fucking stupid onion world out there.

I must say that's quite some dedication to the art of being Totally Not Mad and Totally Not Owned, i can smell the corn even here.

[-] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

but I always thought the idea was that it isn’t being actively maintained

That would be logical, but unfortunately it is not so. On the art of cities/towns you have greenery absolutely everywhere, roads, roofs, houses, walls, tons of flower pots and other bigger and smaller containers. It again shows how idealist vision this is and how they know shit about greenery in city spaces, all this would very quickly just wither and die without constant care and the amount of plants needing that care means the labour would been simply crazy, especially that on the art if anyone is even doing that is always by hand. Even moderate amount of city greenery we have in some cities today need quite a lot of care. Alternatively they could make it less maintained by planting some crazy invasive species which would overgrown everything and look like Angkor Wat before rediscovery but that's not possible under most climates and not only monoculture weed is not close to the idea, but again, the erosion of cityspace would be huge.
Also there is a thing that solarpunk is nearly always vision of at least harshly understood degrowth if not outright primitivism and you have the full vision closer to postapo disaster than to any socialism.

Shows how that's just pure vibes and idealism. The result would be more like cannibalpunk when 8 billion humans suddenly reverting to subsistence farming.

[-] 37 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I wouldn't say it's hitlerite adjacent, but it's full idealism - impossible under capitalism and unnecessary under socialism. Also most of solarpunk art is really bad if you look at it second time - shitty infrastructure, rotting plant matter everywhere, erosion of cityspaces, insane amounts of labour to maintain it, disconnected primitivism, strong postapo ruin vibes, and this is even before we talk about AI artefacts in said pics.

Communist chess set (

Reds vs Whites, produced circa 1930 in Lomonosov Porcelain Factory in Leningrad

Rare google W (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I searched for "israel" and first three tooltips were like this (yes even Israel Keyes still counts as win or not as much loss at least compared to Isnt'real since much less bodycount).

A living meme (

TIL this guy actually exist, some people refer to him as "Napoleon VII" as if every next one after first wasn't an utter disgrace, and best thing is, he lines his questionable royalty from none other than Napoleon-Jerome "Plon-Plon" Bonaparte, the only man Marx mocked more than Napoleon III.


I just clicked there and it looks like shittier twitter


Steam, lemmy and reddit are currently creaming themselves over a game which devs makes multiple really cringe "jokes" about slavery and exploitation. Read the steam page descriptions.

Those "pals" are clearly antropomorphised creatures being dogwhistle for humans. And if you read the game reviews, even the g*mers are not lost on that fact (just they love that):


"Pain In The Ass - Cracker" and with ancient marble statue picture is just too perfect.


Translation (google):

After Milei decree: Argentine companies will be able to pay their employees with milk or meat instead of money Chancellor Diana Mondino confirmed that employers and workers will be able to agree on contracts in any type of currency, including bitcoins, kilos of beef or liters of milk.

The Argentine government announced a series of economic deregulation measures that will come into effect starting this week, among which is the possibility of agreeing on contracts in any type of currency, including food such as beef or milk.

The information was provided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Diana Mondino, who announced on Twitter that "we ratify and confirm that in Argentina contracts can be agreed in Bitcoin and also any other crypto and/or species such as kilos of steer or liters of milk".

In addition, the chancellor referred to article 766 of the Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina, reformed by decree of President Javier Milei, which details that "the obligation of the debtor is to deliver the corresponding amount of the designated currency, whether the currency is legal tender in the Republic as if it does not have it.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Argentina has had to resort to barter: already during the economic crisis of 2001, during the government of Fernando de la Rúa, the exchange of goods and services without money became popular in the trans-Andean country.

The statements on the inclusion of cryptocurrencies and other species in financial obligations, within the framework of Article 766, pose interesting challenges. The incorporation of these assets into financial legislation is a topic of global debate, and their impact on the economy and transactions requires careful consideration.

How do you think this proposal can affect the economic and financial outlook in Argentina?

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