[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 36 points 3 weeks ago

Something similar happened to my husband about 20 years ago. He has ssdi, and can only work a certain amount of hours a month. He tried one month to see if he could do full time work. Nope, impossible.

And so gets kicked off ssdi, and had to fight to get back on it. And they charged him for being on it...by deducting the money he now 'owed' them from the new ssdi. It was stupid.

The laws in place are also why my husband is husband in name only. If we ever actually got married, goodbye everything keeping him alive! It sucks.

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

My first thought, when hearing about Alanis Morissette is, "Oh! God!"

And then immediately after that, "Maybe I should go play some skeeball."

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 25 points 1 month ago

I like wearing a mask, I don't get told to smile anymore

Wait no

One guy did tell me to smile more when I had a mask on. I stared at him. Baffled. He seemed to realize he was being stupid and just fucking booked it.

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 29 points 1 month ago

Please tell both of them I adore them and that they are both very good at being cats!

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 19 points 1 month ago

I thought it was Eireboo. Or some spelling like it!

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 21 points 1 month ago

I'm so sad I never got to visit because the advertisements make it seem so neat! A hotel, themed liked Star Wars! Actors! Space stuff! Story!

But for those prices, my extremely broke ass was never going. Maybe at the prices she said they should be I could have saved very slowly, or gotten lucky with discounts, but no.

Also if it had just stopped working like everything did for Jenny? At those prices???? Miserable, horrible!

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

I adore the Sarah Anderson comic. That poor witch!

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

Went to the zoo while high.

Sibling wanted to go to the zoo, so we rented an electric cart for my husband and the three of us went out. I decided as weed is legal here to do that as well

Turns out physical activity sucks less when high and there's animals to look at also

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 36 points 2 months ago

For the more "masculine" ones, say video games and roleplaying games, really wish guys were less fucking rude to me or even just ignoring me. Or also lovely is me suggesting an idea, ignoring me, then agreeing when someone else takes it and suggests it.

Some people online are oddly hostile about American recipes using cups/tablespoons? I do a lot of baking, so much I do have a scale, but that's extremely uncommon here. Most cup recipes are fine. Even weighed recipes need tweaking sometimes.

Knitting is a solo hobby because oh man old ladies can be really weird about what yarn you use or needles you use or even why you're knitting so young. I was 30 when they were saying this. Sure, younger than them but???

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 22 points 6 months ago

Butter. I churned some once and no. Never again. Also ice cream, for similar reasons. And because we have some ice cream here that's very nice.

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 36 points 6 months ago

Toad-in-the-hole! Maybe. We only ever had them like once, scrambled eggs were far more common.

[-] RebekahWSD@lemmy.world 19 points 7 months ago

I bounced off Dwarf Fortress a lot over the years, even with the packs to help. Eventually I got the hang of Adventurer Mode and quite enjoyed it! Now I'm just waiting for that mode on the steam version!


Candied jalapeños from last year! Great with crackers and cream cheese

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