
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 5 months ago

All the trans catpeople are gone nowadays, it’s all puppypeople this bunnypeople that, what happened?

speech-r tucker-catboy

[–] 5 points 5 months ago

Dead thread party! bridget-vibe

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Me waiting for the next trans mega

[–] 49 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, it's really dangerous when the religion lines up with the imperialism.

In the case of Israel, you have the base materialism that's pushes the US to escalate there, but you also have the superstructure of holy war to cement it in the hearts of the population.

[–] 17 points 5 months ago

Fucking finally

[–] 15 points 5 months ago

Wish we lived in the conservative reality where trans people are running the government and hunting conservatives for sport.

Instead, we have to deal with them having all the institutional power to attempt queer extermination while they claim they're the ones being persecuted.

When our time comes...

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

So is "Hollywood humiliation ritual" the new buzzword I'm gonna be hearing for the next few months?

[–] 14 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I like arguing irl because there's a clear end point and people are generally way more measured face to face than hiding behind a screen, but I really can't handle arguing online. It can legitimately ruin my mood with anxiety for days, so I mostly just don't do it.

I've never read a bit of malice in your words.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Thanks you for continuing my indoctrination into trans ideology!

My future self is persuading me to be a woman looks really cute, except...

I'm you from 4 years in the future. I'm 20 years old!

I'm so old 😭😭😭

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (3 children)
[–] 2 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Have any good trans adjacent manga recs that are non-horny and non-boys love?

Is this an impossible ask? thonk-cri


Miss the mask off bot

Miss the Overton window bot

Miss the sweet summer child bot

Miss the bots I don't remember


Can't have that anymore because of woke


Sorceress Adel: Queer Icon? 🤔


Uhh, meteor hit here


I really liked Starship Troopers as a kid. Pretty sure I said it was my favorite movie for a time. Last year or so, I had the chance to watch it again with some friends, and I was excited because now I could watch it with my Adult Knowledge that it's actually a satire of fascism. I was honestly bored out of my mind, and I wanted to turn it off halfway through.

Because it's not really a typical satire, right? It's an example of a movie that a fascist society would make. This kind of necessarily means that the movie needs to be trite and shallow. Neither the characters nor plot is compelling. Because of this, the action sequences fall flat to me, too.

I watched robocop the day before, and I actually liked it way more than when I was younger. I can also enjoy other satire of fascism like Warhammer 40k which I think is ridiculous enough to be fun.

I don't know, it sucks for the people who genuinely uphold it as a fascist piece of art because... Damn, it's really childish and boring when taken at face value.

Anyone with me on this? I honestly found it disappointing.

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