[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 6 points 17 hours ago

I read somewhere sometime ago that the theory that makes the most sense is that we evolved chins to take a punch, which animals besides our immediate evolutionary relatives do not do.

So we evolved chins as an evolutionary advantage over our immediate evolutionary relatives who would logically be competing for the same resources.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 1 points 17 hours ago

The debt will never come calling if calling on the debt means destabilizing the world economy. I'm sure you'd like to see that, but virtually every single player in that debt doesn't.

So take your cryptic misinformation and go hide in a cabin in the woods. Meanwhile, the adults who understand that shit doesn't get done by itself will be picking up the mess that political pacifists like you leave when you cower behind the notion that both sides are the same.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Having some experts be paid shills while giving other experts the chance to actually legitimately affect change is not the same as handing every decision over to non-experts who incidentally just made defacto bribery legal for their positions.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

🙄 "Both sides"

Vote 3rd party and shut up then. I'm tired of hearing about how both parties are "equally bad"

The fact is that things tend to change for the better under democrats, albeit slowly. Republican judges just today gutted a long standing regulatory precedent that's going to pave the way for capitalists to bleed Americans dry.

One party is luke warm. The other one is actively and progressively destroying our nation. I won't entertain the idea that they are even close to the same.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 6 points 3 days ago

That's what makes this extra stupid. Maga hats don't think that far

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 11 points 4 days ago

This is kind of obvious and I probably don't have to say it but..

Trump is doing this to weasel his way out of a debate he shouldn't have agreed to. No way in hell Trump subjects himself to the same drug test. He's betting on Biden not agreeing to it either so he can just say "well those liberals are obviously playing dirty so I'm out"

The drugs in question are necessarily irrelevant

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 6 points 5 days ago

I think it's a fair thought that any form of life doesn't perfectly recycle their resources and all forms of life give off waste for other life to utilize. That said, a reasonably advanced civilization might just inevitably grow to the size where the waste they put off makes their planet unlivable for them before they can take action to control it.

For us, it's carbon dioxide.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 10 points 5 days ago

Get out of here with your "both sides" garbage.

I've never had someone left of center tell me a whole group of people deserve to be locked up or killed. I had a right wing nut tell me just yesterday that all lgbtq folk are complicit in rape and pedophilia and deserve to be hanged. Sadly, that's not even close to the only time someone has said that to me.

Both sides might be part of the problem here, but only one side is off their fucking rockers.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 111 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Quiet quitting has always referred to the extra bullshit that employers pressure employees into doing.

In America we've fallen into this work culture that implies you aren't really part of a team unless you are constantly putting forth more than what the employer is paying you for.

The undertone of this headline is that managers feel uneasy because so-called "quiet quitters" won't take on extra work or unpaid hours or exhibit overwhelming enthusiasm, but just do literally what they have to at a passable or high quality.

The gaslighting part is that those workers aren't doing anything wrong, but they aren't bending over backwards for their employers, so corporate America wants to paint the picture that those workers are awful time thieves instead of just burnt out wage slaves.

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 167 points 2 months ago

So this might be the beginning of a conversation about how initial AI instructions need to start being legally visible right? Like using this as a prime example of how AI can be coerced into certain beliefs without the person prompting it even knowing

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 110 points 3 months ago

Simplifying the most recent scroll bar feels like a huge step backwards to me. It really is the epitome of modern tech needlessly boiling down to its basic visual aspects to emulate a "clean" environment for the users.

Give me back my scroll bar texture damnit

[-] Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee 114 points 8 months ago

It appears that the principal is backpedaling really hard. Even so, the kid still lost out on the scholarship because she missed the deadline to apply through the school.

The mother said in response to the principal's apology,

“It’s too little, too late. I even told him on the phone conversation when he made it to us at noon today asking us to come into the office and he mentioned reinstating the scholarship, I let him know that the scholarship deadline was done, and the damage that he’s done to her is done. I also told him I gave them the opportunity when I came in there at 7 o’ clock the next morning, to try and rectify the situation at that point. Now, with somebody holding his hand forcing him to do something, an apology being enforced it’s too late,” said Rachel Timonet

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