[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 23 points 3 weeks ago

Seems the only 'dark side' was that he was caught..

submitted 1 month ago by Sims@lemmy.ml to c/noyank@lemmy.ml

I thought of this rare little sub when watching this. It's difficult to evaluate how much Yank (and western) culture have contaminated our expectation and knowledge of other cultures. This video explores some of that..

And, ..going slightly OT on my own post, when trying to search for African music, the result contains mostly African 'beyonce-like' music. I have to add 'root' or similar to find something that actually sounds 'original', local and non-yank. A bit sad.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 36 points 1 month ago

No offense to the citizens, but USA is a failed Capitalist experiment. Nothing really works optimally, or even close to it. Everything is backwards, wasteful, unjust, non-free, anti-democratic, and in general several hundred years behind more mature nations..

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 39 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Always sad when Capitalism/monetization creeps in and cripples/pollutes open and free movements/projects :-( There are many many examples of projects dying off, converting to proprietary, etc. Luckily people are forking and creating new FOSS software all the time. I'm going more and more full FOSS, de-google/meta/m$ and so on. I'm tired always spending time changing software/workflow because of monetization creep, I'm tired of closed drivers, telemetry/spying, bitcoin scams and all the other utter garbage the Capitalist religion brings in to my life.

I have chosen Guix as my new home partly for this reason. Here, the default is that if I doesn't compromise, I know that I won't suddenly see these yucky things creeping into my system. That gives me a safe space where I can plan/build long term without wasting my time fighting Capitalism and all the shit that automatically follows..

I hope the Nix community finds a solution.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 20 points 2 months ago

Blah blah blah, just dimwitted libertarian propaganda. Who da F**k quotes the Capitalist priest Hayek for anything in 2024 !? What a complete and utter idiot doing this site..

Oh, and someone please remind these dimwitted market fanatic believers that Capitalism, Hayek and all the other fanatics are the CAUSE of our current collapse and 99.99% of all problems we have on any scale..

submitted 2 months ago by Sims@lemmy.ml to c/localllama@sh.itjust.works

I am planning my first ai-lab setup, and was wondering how many tokens different AI-workflows/agent network eat up on an average day. For instance talking to an AI all day, have devlin running 24/7 or whatever local agent workflow is running.

Oc model inference speed and type of workflow influences most of these networks, so perhaps it's easier to define number of token pr project/result ?

So I were curious about what typical AI-workflow lemmies here run, and how many tokens that roughly implies on average, or on a project level scale ? Atmo I don't even dare to guess.


[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 22 points 2 months ago

How horrible is it that 99% of any crypto project can be dismissed as harmful scams without even looking at it - and except for 1% they always turn out to be libertarian wet dreams/scams.

Unfortunately, these Capitalist Psychos uses the same techniques as 'Scientology' et al. and are increasingly hiding their true identity/incentives behind their shit project.

They are Capitalist scammers that have found a new revenue stream, and It IS incredible how far these people will go just to protect their initial investment - no matter who's scammed bco it.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 23 points 2 months ago

I'm looking for such an alternative, but wouldn't dream of supporting any bit-scam projects. Thanks for the note/warning !

submitted 3 months ago by Sims@lemmy.ml to c/artificial_intel@lemmy.ml

I could not tell that they were generated..

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 19 points 3 months ago

Had no knowledge of what Valkey or Redis was, so: 'Valkey, an open source alternative to the Redis in-memory, NoSQL data store.'

At least that helped me a bit ;-)

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 24 points 3 months ago

Can't you just look up your location and enter it your self in redshift config ? I did that a few years ago, and it worked fine.

Also Redshift can be controlled from the cli, so cron would work wonders.

https://www.mankier.com/1/redshift https://scribe.rip/daniels-tech-world/how-to-adjust-screen-brightness-with-the-redshift-cli-de267dda2b8e

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 21 points 3 months ago

The Western 'free' population is one of the most information censored/restricted populations in the world, and yet they are flabbergasted that China and many many other nations won't allow propaganda from western oligarchs into their country. It doesn't matter that an information firewall is the single most important military defense against the Capitalist information war. That's btw why the western world are propagandizing their population for 'free speech', so we all can see that wevil China don't want free propaganda, sorry, speech.

The most amazing and Incredible is how hateful attitudes can be bought for a few propaganda dollars in the western for profit information market. So western people actually believe all the hateful things the western oligarchy says about China (and ALL the other enemies of the oligarchs).

How convenient and completely coincidental that the western population have the same opinions about nations and world leaders as the top elite.. Could it be that.. nooooo.. no no.. Western news are the BEST, and no Capitalist elite would lie about something like that to their own population, oh no no..

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 27 points 3 months ago

That's just disgusting, but still so normal in the market religion. Google act as judge and executioner above all local laws. Never ever buy a phone that can't be rooted and reconfigured. ..oh, and never again deal with anything Google.. ..oh, or any other big US tech for that matter. ..fuckit, never deal with ANY Capitalist cheater/scumbag unless you have to.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 18 points 3 months ago

Does that mean that all Fuse filesystems automatically gets this huge boost ?

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 52 points 4 months ago

A 'State' is not inherently bad. That's just libertarian propaganda/dogma. Self-interested psychopaths in charge of a state is bad..

submitted 4 months ago by Sims@lemmy.ml to c/signal@lemmy.ml

Hi all.

For a long long time I've been very happy with Signal, but have lately become rather annoyed that:

  1. it too often bugs me about about an update and forces me to do an update before I can write to my single/only recipient, and
  2. it too often bugs me about my pin code, even tho I never asked for such an annoying level of security.

These security measures are completely overkill for my/normal use, unnecessary, annoying and very aggressive. I'm an adult, and unless there's a super dangerous zeroday attack/vulnerability, I don't need constant forced updates, I don't want to retype a pin code for any reason or interval, and I certainly don't need to be told how I should run my system, when to upgrade or have software on my system that 'randomly' gets locked down for whatever reason.

Does anyone know how I can turn it off (Linux, Android) ? Is there another client fork that don't force me to follow their idea of what security level is necessary ?

Thanks, and apols for negativity..

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