[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

This post had me thinking and reminded me of something I wanted to share in relation:


It is even possible in nature, for evolution to meet at the same place, despite isolation from eachother.

There are some things in the world that just "make sense" from evolutionary, or invention stand point. Coincidence CAN happen without it needing to be the work of some aliens, or conspiratorial nonsense.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

So is inflation an epidemic too?

Yes.... Not the point you're trying to make I guess.

We should let the SG pass any law he wants!

SG isn't passing any laws. They are making a statement.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

They went bankrupt funding progun policy.

Also, being a treasonous front for Russian political interference didn't help their cause


[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Canada says "High". we don't have a functional mental health solution and it's only gotten worse. And while we do have gun crime, it's nowhere near the same as our southern neighbour because of our gun restrictions and we don't Fetishize gun culture.

Mental health IS part of the problem. But the insane culture around owning firearms in the US directly leads to the prevalence of gun crime.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 35 points 1 month ago

The amount of data that has come out in the year since it's launch has jumped mankinds knowledge of the cosmos forward by leaps and bounds.

it's also further shown us just how little we know.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 37 points 2 months ago

Zero. The answer to this question is Zero. There is no amount of Ketchup that should be added to Kraft Dinner.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm fairly new. Finding it hard to get truly into the experience given some of the more extreme takes that Lemmy seems to allow (or at least some federated servers)

Seems like Lemmee is sadly becoming a fairly isolated echo chamber for certain opinions only.

edit: An example of "Extreme takes". Not linking the post. it's been upvoted 17 times, and online for 18 hours unmoderated: in the post, the user encourages execution. Murder and destruction of property:

so, as an actual radical:

yeah pretty spot on with healthcare. this is basic ‘having a society’ shit.

I don’t want a job that pays so much as an actual society I can contribute to and nurture and be a fucking part of that will take care of me some noticeable fraction of how I take care of it. I’d rather not have money involved, if its all the same to you.

I do actually want a free place to live. I’ll help build it or whatever, but I’m fucking done compromising with landlord parasites; watched too many of their victims die.

I do not want corporations to be unprofitable; I want them dismantled and their boards executed. worker co-ops are cool. individual enterprise is cool. no more exploitation, no more not having a voice.

I think the entire concept we have of ‘democracy’ is absolutely cucked. I could write some essays on what real democracy looks like, but the short version is: fuck your bourgoise elections.

kill the billionaires; tjwyre literal monsters who drink children’s blood steal and transfuse the blood of the young to grasp vainly at eternal youth while burning our futures. no problem with your party yacht if its green and you built it with your friends, but I think we need a reset on ‘wealth’.

Reading shit like that a LOT on this site is a massive turn off to the average user, and why I have a hard time truly diving in and giving a shit about it.

Edited once more: Bolded the problem points I have with above. My issue is not the message itself, but the words and what this user encourages. Don't gaslight that the language used in that post was beyond reasonable and encourages violence

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 24 points 2 months ago

why can't I go back

You can in a way. But not by trying to live / experience what you already have.

That joy you felt was the feeling of experiencing something new for the first time. Want that feeling? Go out there and experience something new the first time. Make a habit of it.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 36 points 2 months ago

"Bad memory". tpsh. That memory exceeded it's mandate by 41 years. That memory is tired. it needed rest. It's ready to collect it's retirement pension.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 34 points 4 months ago

Loved BG3. but it was the hit it was because it was done by people who love the D&D world and didn't attempt to live up to any specific monetary goals, nor did it rush out to try and beat some arbitrary deadline. it was done in the old style of development, by a relatively small team over long periods of time to showcase their labour of love.

given the history of D&D the company itself and it's more recent copyright monetization and attacking the playerbase for profit, I cannot see them pumping out other games that are anywhere CLOSE to what Larian produced.

Wee're going to get a whole lot of bullshit shovelware trying to ride BG3's excellence.

this is why we can't have nice things :(

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 27 points 5 months ago



submitted 5 months ago by Sprawlie@lemmy.world to c/ontario@lemmy.world

A man who allegedly waved the flag of a terrorist group while marching in downtown Toronto has been arrested and charged.

[-] Sprawlie@lemmy.world 25 points 5 months ago

Want to Chime in since there's a lot of weird misinformation and conjecture in the comments:

The over-production was a business decision by many of the producers. A bad one. But they knew they were producing more flower than the Canadian market needed at any price point. Dropping price down isn't going to dramatically increase the consumption as polling / research by stats can shows the people smoking todtay, are the same who were smoking illegally before, and that the overall Cannabis market (while huge) isn't something that was ballooning.

I had invested in numerous stocks in the industry back when legalization started to gain ground. As an investor and reading the reports, one thing was clear. Everyone of the biggest producers believed they were going to be international gods of pot and be able to sell world wide. Many hedged billions on producing enough flower for the American market with hopes that the US would follow along very shortly.

These poor business decisions led to the large producers, such as Canopy, and Aurora from making over-building production to the point that even if they shut several of their operations, they would still over-produce for the Canadian market.

at the end, this was some MBA deciding that profit margins would be higher by writing off the excess weed instead of spending additional resources to use it in other products (it still can be used for extracts and edibles even if low quality)

This is what happens when you create a new industry (Producers) and let it be run by the MBA's and giant businesses instead of those who are actually involved in the industry in the first place.

as soon as I saw these happening I sold out on their stocks. IOf you go look up these companies current valuations, they're almost worthless and worth pennies compared to when they started due to their horrific management. (Aurora Cannabis lost 1 Billion in a year)

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