[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 20 points 4 days ago

The title is a bit misleading. They didn't hire an FBI agent. They hired a retired FBI agent. I feel that is a pretty crucial difference

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 38 points 2 months ago

Semi related: I'm studying for a Linux certification and at the end of each chapter they have 10 practice questions with answers in the back of the book. Almost every time, the explanations of the answers get shorter until there's basically just the answer by question 10. It feels like they just got tired of working

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 36 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Can confirm this is true. Or it's a man listed as a woman. Not trans, just a spam account.

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 38 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)
[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 36 points 2 months ago

This surprises no one.

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 123 points 3 months ago

You have to tighten the loose one to loosen the tight one. My fingers hurt just looking at it


Hello, so I've been watching and enjoying this community. I remember watching various different seasons/generations as a child and I liked them. I'm sure there is a lot I missed and figured I need a new hyperfixation. As an adult I've only watched the original series when it was on Netflix. I remember a lot of Picard, and some with the woman captain. (Probably more, but I've done too many drugs between them and now)

So, as someone with a basic/broad understanding of Star Trek, where should I start my dive into this show?


I have a large audible library I would like to backup and make available for other audiobook apps that use less battery. I'd like to maintain as much information and structure as possible. I saw a self hosted solution for audiobooks I might try to implement as well.

What programs or processes work best for this?


Scenario: me killing time by doom scrolling lemmy. I see a post linking to a news article. The next 4 posts are the exact same post in the same community by the same user but on a different instance.

I understand the general mechanics behind lemmy so I know this is standard behavior. However, this can become quite tedious and annoying.

My suggestion: when the device pulls new posts if the same title, content, and user are detected, it combines them into one post. For comments, it creates a "root/parent comment" for each instance.

Up and down votes could be an issue though. My resolution to this would be when you press up/down vote a drop-down menu appears with "All" followed by all the different instances. I can think of lots of different mechanics for multi selections.

For the main feed, where the instance is normally stated, it states only the community followed by "multiple" or similar. When tapped, instead of taking you to that community on that instance, it has the equivalent of a help bubble pop up listing the instances so you could visit each one.

It would also be nice if something like this was possible for duplicate posts on the same instance across multiple communities.

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 145 points 10 months ago


[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 44 points 10 months ago

I feel like this should go in c/therightcantmeme, or c/conservativescantmeme. I don't remember the exact name


I've found an issue that if I upvote a notification I can't tap the check to clear it. I have to refresh the notifications page to clear it. It may also be that the have to be checked off in order such as top to bottom or bottom to top. I'm not positive what's making it unclearable.

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 50 points 11 months ago

To be happy. Depression is hell.

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 45 points 11 months ago

I can't jelly my dick in her.

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 32 points 11 months ago

Despise beyond belief? Hurting animals. Hunting and fishing are fine, I'm talking about kicking puppies type thing

Audio override? (sh.itjust.works)

I commonly listen to audiobooks while browsing. I love that I'm seeing some embedded videos playing. Unfortunately, even though the sound is muted on the video, it auto pauses my audio book. Is there a way to stop that?

[-] Starb3an@sh.itjust.works 36 points 11 months ago

What about Olympics without drug restrictions? Like, how much can we improve on the human body?

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