
joined 3 months ago

gtk3-classic still doesn't work properly on Wayland and I doubt it will ever be fixed so I include WAYLAND_DISPLAY=0 in each shortcut file to force them into xwayland.

A comment I see nobody making is that this will negatively effect disabled gamers and prevent the use of accessibility tools.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Love Music Hate Racism has been going for years and it is a recruitment front for Stand Up to Racism, which itself is a front for the Socialist Worker Party, a group with an extreme history of abuse and movement sabotage and you can read about it at These are fundraising activities for an already wealthy group that doesn't need the money since they get a good chunk of union dues and membership fees of older/less active members. Give your money to the mosque repair funds from the areas impacted or attend your local antifascist fundraiser; they tend to have decent sets and they help fund train tickets to bumblefuck nowhere and a surprising amount of equipment (mostly for unannounced background work)

It reminds me a lot of which does similar but for the UK and split across a few different maps. I'd love a website where it guesses where you (or someone else) are from based on some sort of quiz.

Yes. It highlights Bonnie Spofforth as a source - a domestic source. Shifting the blame to Russia shifts the responsibility and perpetuates the domestic xenophobia that I would argue is much more responsible than Russia, or any outside source.

One thing that isn't really touched on because it never got published is that Spofforth has been an active organizer for the far right since 2020. Since then she has been active in anti Drag Queen Story Hour harrasment and targeting hotels. Another example is Yorkshire Rose (Amanda Smith) who has been doing the exact same but to a larger extent.

My main concern is that these fascist agitators have been placed into prisons with people of colour and leftwing activists for an extended period of time.

Cops and politicians are claiming credit for the quick response from local communities, and also the far right having generally really poor organizing practice, calling demonstrations in random locations they have never even seen before and not being present themselves to pull people together.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

There are a number of examples I can give but the immediately most obvious that springs to mind is Mark Collett, who can be seen in this picture with his ex-girlfriend who has a large visible swastika tattoo.

The British Movement, formerly known as the British National Socialist Movement also have a presence on both sites. One of their primary catch phrases is, "No more brother wars." which refers to WW2 as a war between different sects of the "Aryan race". It means that those sects should not be fighting each other but instead non-white people and Jewish people.

As I say, I can point to more but I think those give you the picture. I should probably also add that its a common quippy clap-back for these types to say "so... huh... everyone you disagree with is a Nazi" themselves. The function of this is to muddy the waters and propagandise the questioning of whether or not their ideology is as bad as those who directly oppose them state. It means that they get to spread their ideas by a proxy to onlookers.

[–] 58 points 1 month ago (22 children)

I think its important to highlight that Odysee and Rumble are both "free speech" platforms that neo-nazis love to use to platform their calls for violence.

The anti-vax conspiracy crowd in Britain is heavily SovCit. They seem to think the magna Carta means they can be selfish arseholes

If you keep an eye on names and faces present at far right demonstrations, usually the same ones pop up all the time. I'm surprised this is the first instanceof the two. Unite the Right and Jan 6 were just the most famous in recent memory. A lot of Jan 6ers have also attacked Drag Queen Story Hours as just another example.

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