[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 35 points 1 month ago

How did this make it past review? I guess case reports might not have a peer review process

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 55 points 1 month ago

Atomized refers to being individual, alone, responsible for your own needs. Not a member of a community etc. Sometimes we say siloed off. It's not just about needs but also about loneliness and feeling shut out.

A non-atomized society are places like Vietnam and Cuba. In Vietnam during Covid lockdowns, they brought you fresh food to eat day to day. You can rely on your neighbours for needs. People are looking out for each other. Contrast this with the American response(s) to covid - Lockdowns but you don't get anything provisioned to you or fuck it everyone for themselves no response at all.

There's definitely communities within places like America that aren't as atomized, mutual aid societies, unions etc. But the dominant character of society in general of the United States is one of deep loneliness and atomization.

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 37 points 2 months ago

Before I cracked my egg, I volunteered at an animal shelter. There was a "bad" dog (dog with behavior issues) that was reactive with males. Except for me!! That was nice in a way I didn't understand until a couple years later lmao

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 41 points 2 months ago

Let me disabuse you of this notion


Pee pee poo poo

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 44 points 4 months ago

You gotta go to irl trans support groups. The trans ladies who are freshly egg-cracked seniors and just don't give a fuck are amazing.

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 54 points 4 months ago

I wonder what happened when an unpopular candidate - one especially unpopular in the Midwest and Michigan in particular - ran just assuming they'd all flock to the Dems when Trump stood as the opposing choice? 🤔

What do you mean 2016 Hillary? I don't understand. I am a liberal, my horizon exists only within a few years ago.

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 59 points 5 months ago

Patriarchy, r*pe culture, some dudes feel entitled to womens' and AFAB presenting bodies.

After I socially transitioned even before HRT, I didn't really pass, but as soon as I put on a skirt that was the most I've been "accidently" touched and squeezed. It's hard to get if you're cis male and look it because it just doesn't happen - but as someone who has been on both sides, it's real and it's shitty.

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 35 points 5 months ago

So far they've been focusing on leaning on allies dismissing it out of hand rather than any of the evidence - because the evidence points to them carrying out a genocide and they've broadcasted their intent to do so quite happily in Hebrew.

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 35 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ah but have you considered just how much capital has been accumulated and concentrated in fewer and fewer hands?

Czechmate commies ♟️

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 36 points 8 months ago

From the river to the sea
Palestine will be free

Hush now, hush now
Don't you cry
Palestine will never die

[-] TerminalEncounter@hexbear.net 33 points 10 months ago

That's an extra 50 hours a week. Like more than a regular full time job of overtime. No idea how people survive it - they used to by progidious use of uppers like cocaine and amphetamines, but now all these docs aren't allowed that but still have to do the same shitty hours.

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