Awww we love u too <3
So like anti-closed ecosystems kinda stuff?
It doesn't help that auto correction/spell checkers aren't very good with compound nouns either.
Oh wow... Never thought that this could be a problem for a language!
Oof cute and handsome at the same time!!!
How do I get to my boat?
Hey, I've no idea how knitting works, but am I right in assuming that u made this completely by hand? (cartoons taught me that). If that's the case, that's so cool!!! It's such a good looking garment!!!
Yea, I ain't losing my car virginity unless there's a zombie apocalypse.
Do Germans only talk like this to confuse English speakers? Like seriously... WTF IS A "HERSTELLERÜBERGREIFEND"? Sounds like a password to me! Like... How do you not stop for a breath after every word when you have stuff like this lmao
It's crazy how much Marx u have in any people-related fields of study like sociology, economics n so on. Dude was hella smart!
Fuck you. My grandma is actively dying right now and we're doing everything that we can to stop that. She faced domestic abuse practically her entire life. Despite this, she worked hard through it and is still fighting hard to live on. Sure, she might not have been the nicest person alive, but she sure as hell doesn't deserve shit like this from losers like you. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
Nah. It melted.
AI IS NOT IF ELSE STATEMENTS. AI learns and adapts to its surroundings by learning. It stored this learnt data into "weights" in accordance with its stated goal. This is what "intelligence" refers to.
Edit: I was wrong lmao. As the commentators below pointed out, "AI" in the context of computer science is a term that has been defined in the industry long before. Where I went wrong was in taking the definition of "intelligence" and slapping "artificial" before it. Therefore while the literal definition might be similar to mine, it is different in CS. Also, even provided something called "Expert Systems", which are a subset of AI that use if-then statements. Soooo yeah... My point doesn't stand.