
joined 8 months ago
[–] 9 points 2 months ago

People will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid knowing the obvious, especially when money is involved
The rapists/perpetrators generally have stacks of cash/lawyers to avoid responsibility
Attempts at oversight are co opted by the rapists/perpetrators. The same grooming skills can be applied most situations

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

We aren't going to solve a crisis of excess consumption, with slightly different consumption
Replacing a 200hp ice vehicle with a 500hp electric vehicle isn't more sustainable, less actually

Extractive resources are greatly undervalued
Socializing the costs & privatizing the profits is the root
Once you punch holes through the aquifer, there is no repairing the damage, just temporary solutions that last decades not hundreds or thousands of years
As long as we use whatever the market will bear valuation, disconnected from the true long term costs & value added, the results will continue to do little to solve the issues

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

An important point:
"The higher level is: What do we do with these big corporations? One is we’ve got to subordinate them constitutionally. So corporations should never have equal rights with real people. Now they’re connecting with AI. You want a deadly cocktail? Connect artificial persons called corporations with AI.
Founders intent was for corporations to be temporary

We have a system designed for 1% of the present population
We have a system designed for information moving at the speed of horse
Founders intent was a representative for 30,000 citizens, presently a representative for 700,000 citizens
We have a system that is completely over whelmed by the number & complexity of decisions to be made
We need more channels for informed feedback
Having a meaningful political opinion has

I lived in California in 2000 & voted for Ralph, knowing Gore had Cali in the bag

[–] 6 points 5 months ago

I'm still a lurker on twitter...
I stopped interacting when Elmo took over & released the trolls

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)


[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Offers me 15 recent files through application menu
Clipboard a bunch transactions

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

The He-man Woman Hatrz Club
The let scrotum & santorum jokes commence

This is just more of the Powell memorandum mode of operation, play the long game. Use that legacy money to cultivate the next generation into the good ol boys swamp

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Any of it is so much better than listening to an AM radio while I delivered newspapers.
Yesterday I heard a Red Rider song from an album that I had recorded on cassette off FM radio.
I converted whatever music I had into MP3s 20 years ago, When I was converting LPs to MP3 I did several concept albums which didn't have songs, so I set the length at 6 minutes or less. I was using MP3 Direct Cut which had a bar graph, I could visually chop up albums into songs without actually listening. Over some years I went through my collection & chopped up songs that were too long or have intros longer than 10 seconds, I may or maynot keep the originals. I use the comment field for tags to make it easier include/exclude long, duplicate, alternate versions I have more than a few copies of music files, including data cd's from 15 years ago, sata hdd, sd cards, nvme. every 6 months or so I renew a couple of the back ups

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (3 children)

The ever popular
Appearance of Action
Say the magic words [virtue signaling] & do fuqk all, promising eventual incremental change, after the next cycle...

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

When you get paid in fame/legacy the pool of people willing to work for cheap is endless. The problem is widespread

[–] 9 points 7 months ago

Religion at it's best is about community. The rituals, the stories, are content/entertainment, extended games of telephone. Selling a product that can't possibly be vetted, the "afterlife". People get to like what they like, religion is not for me

I don't believe anything, I know some things, I'll guess at others. I'm aware when I'm pulling it out my arse :D Every question doesn't have to have an answer.

Keep it simple.
There is only one meaningful moral tenet, don't be a dick. Don't do things to others you wouldn't want to have happen to you.
Now I can craft an engaging narrative justifying all manner of bad behavior but, I know better, we all do. Even those with reduced empathy know better.
Don't Be a Dick!

[–] 32 points 8 months ago

AirBNb, uber, lyft are all designed to circumvent existing laws by setting up parallel systems. The companies set themselves up to be the gatekeepers, instead of existing regulatory systems. The enshittification is predictable.
The hardest thing in governance is:
Comprehensively reform a system in place while using it...

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