[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago

on chie dans la siene parce que nous sommes français

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 5 points 1 month ago

What are you on about? No, if you read the article you can see this is about food grown in the UK, meaning the United Kingdom. This has nothing to do with Ukraine.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 3 points 4 months ago

I would appreciate that link, too. Although the article contains one line that mentions banning Pride flags, I haven’t found anything that indicates Pride flags are being singled out in the congressional tantrum manifesto.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 3 points 5 months ago

Not dealerships, but 43 US states plus DC, have dram shop laws that allow a drunk driver to sue the establishment that overserved.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 3 points 6 months ago

What a fascinating read! Thank you for sharing this article.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 2 points 6 months ago

Nice to see Feed the People can be more than empty rhetoric.

Now let’s do Eat the Rich!

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 2 points 6 months ago

I was healthy, fit, worked from home for years, and strictly followed lockdown protocol. My only “high risks” were being married to a first responder and living in Texas at the time.

That state was a shit show.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 5 points 7 months ago

And this species is just the latest to feel the impact of climate change. A report last year published by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature found that out of nearly 32,000 animal populations worldwide, there was an average decline of 69% since 1970. That sharp decline, the report warned, is a "code red for the planet (and humanity)."

"The message is clear and the lights are flashing red," WWF International's director general Marco Lambertini says in the report. "Our most comprehensive report ever on the state of global vertebrate wildlife populations presents terrifying figures: a shocking two-thirds decline in the global Living Planet Index less than 50 years."

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

Thank you for your clarity. I don’t know how common it is for people to directly question existence, social contracts, our roles and purposes, but I imagine your thoughts resonate with many of us; the experiences and perceptions you shared are deeply familiar to me.

Since your story helped me understand where you’re at, I will reciprocate with a story for you.

I never quite succeeded at living a life that resulted in genuine acceptance from relatives, religious circles, authority figures , or peers. I tried to fit in for awhile, and to even please others a few times, but it isn’t who I am and it shows. This disconnect allowed me to metaphorically wander into the wilds.

For over 30 years, I explored almost all big religions and some philosophies, and by the time I was in my late 40’s I finally embraced my atheism with a growing sense of liberation, although I don’t mention it around theists. I think it scares them, and who am I to yank away anyone’s security blanket?

I’ve lived a long and unconventional life with my own credo. Sometimes this meant fine tuning who is in my life, and who is excluded, which can be controversial - but for me it’s been a relief. Also, controversy is just one spice in a feast.

I agree with you that institutions or culture leaders or mythological deities can’t dictate what is good. My direction has always come from within because that’s the loudest voice*, and when I need to be reminded of what that means, I focus on the REAL life around me.

I don’t look for a purpose or a life well-lived because humans are no different than fish or rabbits or deer … except for how we lost our way. Seriously, look at the animals; this is what I mean by REAL life. They don’t waste their energy striving for someone else’s declared ideal. They don’t worry about yesterday or tomorrow. They don’t get wound up in possible outcomes or fake rewards. They just … are.

As you stated, we are briefly here on an insignificant rock spinning around in a tiny solar system of a regular galaxy, in one universe among countless universes, and we weren’t deliberately placed here to hoard crap, exert “dominion”, destroy everything, or delude ourselves that we should be famous or rich or impactful. (Okay, I took your thought and ran a bit with it.)

My life is filled with the things I need to do for survival, with interludes of connection that bring me joy. I try to not think too much about the survival part because for humans it’s so contrived, and it blocks natural feelings. My biggest struggle is keeping that shit where it doesn’t ruin the things that matter.

And what matters is YOUR call. Time with the people you love or being immersed in music or reading or looking at stars or laughing at how your dog zooms or touching trees or breathing or … whatever you want. As long as you can be in the moment with your true self, you aren’t wasting this magical blink of life.

*I don’t have an actual voice within, because I have total Aphantasia.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 3 points 9 months ago

Great catch on those scrubbers - I hadn’t even thought about everything I use to clean, aside from plastic-free dishwasher pods. Thanks! And ono’s suggestions are awesome!

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

There was an elm tree in my childhood front yard. I loved her the way kids love their moms. In the summer, I would spend hours sitting by her, leaning against her trunk, hugging her, reading and telling her everything in my life.

When Dutch Elm Disease hit, she was tagged by the city to be cut down. Every day after school, I ripped off the tag. Every day, the tag was placed higher, until I couldn’t reach it. I screamed and cried when she was cut down - it still hurts. I spent weeks sitting by her stump, apologizing for not stopping the killers.

As an adult, I fell in love with an apricot tree in my back yard. I named her Apollonia. She’s magical, and I thought I’d be there with her until I died, but we had to move last month. I took a small branch from her last prune to keep with me forever.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

People forget, or just weren’t around, when only the rich had a mobile phone the size of waffle iron and it just made expensive calls. Even early cells had exorbitant rates for long distance conversations between states, so we had to wait until night when it was more affordable to talk. If I wanted to watch a specific movie, I needed a credit card with a $500 hold to rent a VHS player for 24 hours, and hope that Teenage Mutant Turtles wasn’t on a wait list. Ask Jeeves was better than encyclopedia brittanica, but digging deep required a trip to the public library. And scanning, copying, or printing anything meant driving to Kinkos with your checkbook ready. Anyone else remember pulling up MapQuest and writing down the directions before going someplace new?

Reminiscers can unplug, but I’m keeping my on-demand movies, cheap phone rates, endless knowledge, GPS, and streaming music.

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