
joined 4 years ago

1/12? Dogshit jungler

[–] WhatDoYouMeanPodcast@hexbear.net 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

At the time I didn't think I could even tolerate the job. Got some space to think properly and I just don't think that's true any more.

This jumped out to me as typical of decision making in general. I think of investors as only having two moods "oh I'm an idiot, why did I even waste a cent on that stock? I knew it was cratering." and "oh I'm an idiot, why didn't I take a loan on the house and bet that too? I knew it was going to the moon." There's never a satisfaction or some sort of emotional clicking-into-place that lets you know you chose right of two uncertain calls. If you do get that click DM me, tell me your secrets, and save me from myself.

I remember this audiobook (which, I'm told, probably has a regular book form too) called Algorithms to Live By. It talked about how computer/software engineers need to think about computational limitations where time is finite. There are things like the Secretary Problem and Optimal Stopping Problems. It really stood out to me that, given best strategy, you had a 1/3 chance of actually getting the best secretary (interview -> thumbs up or thumbs down (optionally: -> changing your mind).

I think you made a valid decision insofar that its internal logic was consistent. I have faith you made a grounded decision insofar that you took into account your material conditions. If a choice has both of these, I count it among your rational decisions. I think you simply wait and see whether that glorified rougelike-on-rails we call life gives you good RNG. I think giving into second guessing your decision undermines your ability to make your next rational decision. I don't think you can do much better than following what excites you, making rational decisions, and not attaching your worth to the outcome.

TL;DR: You probably made the right call.

0.6% of players have that achievement currently. That's a real "oh" moment for me. I went really, really hard with the analysis and optimization.

In my experience you could say the same about every little activity but the amalgam ends up giving you moments of respite. Do baby steps of things that you feel like 1) you ought to do and then 2) will hit the spot. Be gentle and remember how the world is silently mourning all the most vulnerable among us who have been/are being fed to the magic money line god.

[–] WhatDoYouMeanPodcast@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago (2 children)






I finished phase 4. Everything was hanging on by a thread. Everything is short on everything. Phase 5 it even more complicated. I need to take a break. Like multiple days.

sock puppet and silly voice for some people, hope looks like the cessation of genocide

RIP I hope somehow somewhere you are feeling the presence of justice denied to you in life.

Dialogue wheel with different degrees getting patented saved us from the most annoying political simulators that the human mind could possibly fathom.

Or if that's not what that is then I have hallucinated myself to the lathe.

[–] WhatDoYouMeanPodcast@hexbear.net 20 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Bit idea: Trump is the harm reduction candidate because he doesn't know how to give that many billions of dollars to Israel and cannot be made to care very deeply about it.

You can do that IRL too. Don't like something? Just leave. As a BJJ coach, whenever I'm teaching about double tapping to submit I go "it doesn't matter if you don't feel like you had a submission, if they get bored and decide karate is better, you just let go and let them go out the door"

I almost typed that message making my example games plural for exactly that game lol. It would have been "one of your minecrafts." And yeah, calling a battle pass progression would have me yelling "MR BORELLI!" at you

[–] WhatDoYouMeanPodcast@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I don't think you compete against gambling and constantly being X units from Y prize. You don't make a good relationship by finding a way to make higher highs than an abusive relationship. You don't stop drinking by having even crazier nights out with a different substance. It's a hypnotic psychology-based money milking machine. I don't think you win by fixing the box.

There are a lot of charmed games out there (a lot of them single player). When I think of good multiplayer, I think of limitless creativity. Your Warcraft 3, Minecraft, Mario Maker, Runescape. Give me a 3D Zelda dungeon maker and watch it print money.


Critical support for Ganondorf? Seems pretty based. ESPECIALLY considering all the nonsense the Hylian royal family pulled in the shadow temple.



Edit: watching through the video, it becomes morally gray because there are, in fact, guillotines in the shadow temple. It's hard to say who was right and who was wrong because of this.


Thank you for participating in your civic duty.


They kill and loot because "they're just following orders." It's gross. A high schooler working a McDonald's drive through is braver than all the troops bravery combined

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