wow, sorry I was so crappy at being my own cashier, but it's not like you guys were paying me or providing training.

when I scan my whole meal and it comes up as a single $1.35 side of cole slaw, that's not my fault or my problem.

[-] 13 points 2 hours ago

I avoid any social events after 8 pm too, but of course I'm not asking people to give me tens of millions of dollars so I can stay in as the head of government.

some kind of animistic elemental thing, but not that like "everything is alive", pantheistic nature-worship deal. like super specific with names and maybe a harsh cosmology, like conan's Crom.

like maybe the sun is the eye of an angry, chaotic evil god that is slowly maiming the biosphere like a sadist uses a magnifying glass on ants. or maybe the chief god is a snake that lives in the water and makes it rain/flood and snatches people who get too close to fast moving water.

i have a weird idea of "fun", but i think a cool religion is one that makes me want to draw something dramatic and crazy.

[-] 34 points 9 hours ago

in college, after class, i used to practice wrestling moves with my neighbor in his bedroom dojo. just 2-3 hours a day, then a quick shower together where sometimes we had gay sex, before going home to study and read the bible with my dad.

trust me, i would know if i was gay.

[-] 39 points 10 hours ago

i drive a car with a key. like the kind you insert into the ignition and turn. i was giving somebody from work a ride the other day, and they were like, "wow, i haven't seen one of those in a while!"

i know i'll probably have to do the FOB thing eventually (because the future is when every simple mechanism requires a battery), but i would refuse anything that needed my phone. yes, let's make the cell phone, the device that has 10-20X'd in price in 15 years and become the near-universal tether to work, identity, and payment become the single point of failure that renders one completely fucked if broken, stolen, lost, or drained.

people who bazinga over shit like this are people who confuse being dependent on a technology with understanding a technology.

[-] 40 points 10 hours ago

at the certified and approved service desk with the dealership, where you can pay top dollar for parts and labor and you have no recourse to their diagnostics.

or, as those of us olds with now-classic cars refer to it as, the stealership. remember: you didn't buy a vehicle. you bought the ability to drive it sometimes and the right to funnel more money to the manufacturer/broker when it fucks up.

as it turned out, the father was in the klan but he couldn't be too public, or he would lose his job as the deputy commissioner of the state police. and it would be unchristian to deprive his family of the breadwinner.

I'm not a :vote: guy, but I think every Prez election year will be a flashpoint. it's when the tensions come closest to tearing the illusion of those who want to believe in electoral reform. 2020 had police stations on fire and people getting nabbed off the streets in unmarked vans while a global pandemic raged.

if Biden had looked even remotely presentable at the debate, few on team blue would be looking at the present situation critically, wondering, if beating trump is so important, why are "we" running a guy who is about to code? wondering who made this decision and why there is no alternative.

all of the other injustices could be explained away by pushing "trump would be worse" and funneling the tensions into the electoral system. but now what could have been characterized as an "imperfect" system is seeming "fundamentally fucked and incapable of reform".

I think we will get these crescendos every 4 years until elections are suspended.

i mean, you wanna see some deeply unproductive time? try the days between Xmas and NYE. lmao. if it's not logistics/transport, people are fuckin' phoning it in big time.

the phenomenon of people quietly blowing off holiday weeks when their employer only grants them the specific day is not new. bosses "work from home" and that filters down: among those forced to be in the office, long lunches are taken. bare minimums are met. there is a general discouraging of scheduling meetings among colleagues, usually by making the assumption that someone critical will be out for the week anyway, so "let's table this until after the holiday/short week." sounds like the most reasonable and professional way to say, "that week isn't real so who cares"

just because this country is a shithole without worker protections doesn't mean those of us recognizing the adversarial nature of the workplace don't resist at each moment we can.

the biggest obstacles are rise-and-grind morons who run around at a frenetic pace trying to demonstrate how committed they are. or axe-grinders who look for opportunities to expose others slacking off, believing it will elevate their career. and sometimes it does, but many times it only makes silent, patient enemies by the truckload.

can you imagine being a subway franchisee? just dutifully kicking up your fees while buying those marked up low quality supplies from central authority.

meanwhile, all they ever do is print coupons that screw you on your end and use your fees to hire pedophiles as brand ambassadors, while raking in big executive salaries and profits.

lmao, get rekt.

indeed, in 1921 leftover explosives and chemical weapons from WW1 were dropped on striking miners in West Virginia and the very first purpose-built bomber planes purchased by the US military were deployed there by President Harding.

the president has indeed deployed military assets to extrajudicially murder Americans in America, but it has always been against the working class.

to use the military against the bourgeoisie would be certainly regarded in the bourgeoisie media frame as somehow a "crime", in the same way that Hitler doing genocide in Europe was regarded some new depravity even though it was essentially what Churchill had done to India, the US/Canada/Aus did to their indigenous, Northern Europe had done to West Africa for centuries and regarded themselves as great, civilizing nations.

I said in my … I had a very, very rambunctious youth.

he was 45 when this went down.


This article is 8 years old, but the article about a Catholic healthcare provider denying MAID services reminded me of it. i learned about it from a friend who is a researcher of medical/healthcare policy in the US.

Basically, when Catholic hospitals merge or are even bought out by secular providers in the states, the Catholic church inserts language into the contract (the property becomes "encumbered" I think is the term) to require facilities to follow / adopt Catholic restrictions in perpetuity. These restrictions can never be unwound and are generally hidden from public knowledge during the deal.

Since 2001, the number of acute care hospitals operating under Catholic doctrine has shot up 22 percent.

As Mindy Swank discovered, it’s often impossible to know when a secular hospital is operating under Catholic restrictions. Genesis became a zombie religious hospital in 1994, during a merger with Catholic Mercy Hospital in Davenport, Iowa. The trend has accelerated in recent years, as secular hospitals have joined forces with Catholic facilities in an effort to hold their own against insurance companies and to comply with requirements for greater collaboration under the Affordable Care Act. In five states—Alaska, Iowa, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin—more than 40 percent of acute care hospital beds now fall under Catholic doctrine.


It feels incredible. With the organization for 10+ years, in the role for 6+ years. I got passed over for a promotion I was overqualified for because my shithead boss, with his beautiful mind, calculated that promoting me would mean twice the paperwork (having to fill my old position). Who cares that it would have meant a 20% raise and increased stability to me. Not to mention all the attendant exploitation in a anti-labor / zero social safety net state normalizing a continuous stacking of projects and responsibilities on people.... because "where are they gonna go?" The answer might surprise you!

To be fair, I have been feeling the unstable vibes here for a few years and been casually putting out applications for other jobs. Like maybe once every month or so, when some new fresh idiocy drives me to tweak and submit my resume somewhere.

Not even 4 weeks after my application was ignored, I got offered a job in a strong union state in the public sector. And not just offered, they said after the panel interview that I blew the competition away. The way my bosses and overseers have treated me here, alongside the limited bites in applications over the year, was starting to wear me down that I started wondering if maybe they had a point.... like maybe I'm not that valuable. So it feels nice to have someone interview me, look over my body of work/portfolio, and say, "Wow, yes please!" Not to mention, there's a real future for me in terms of formal professional development, job grade advancement, and time-in-position compensation bumps. Because, there's a union in a pro-union state! All shit my previous employer had foreclosed on, because no union and anti-union state.

Anyway, suffice to say, I took it and they are being super chill about remote-until-relocation, offering to help etc. I put in my official notice to my boss 24 hours ago (no response lmao) and workfriends/collaborators who are all sad to see me go, super happy for me, or some combo of both. They all get it.

I am doing what I can for the people I work with to cover their asses with their own bosses, but I know >80% of the plates I've been spinning are going to come crashing down over the 6 months after I'm gone. I tried for years to have get the bosses to support cross-training and redundancy, even under the principle of "what if I die in a car accident?" but they ignored me. One of the reasons I am going so far away from this organization is so the bosses will have no social capital to fuck with me at my new place of employment and try to backchannel / pull strings to get me to keep those things maintained once the angry emails and calls start coming in from stakeholders. Hell, I'm not even telling them where I'm going. They can ask their subordinates if they want to know. LOL

Anyway peeps. I know the job search is the worst, but I had a good story and wanted to share.


i was lost in my own thoughts when this ancient, new grounds web-animation popped into my head. this was originally uploaded almost 20 years ago (October 6th, 2004).

nostalgia for the oldheads, i guess. i don't really get what the inspiration for this was. just another weird, low bandwidth flash animation. i guess the dad is jacked up on the devil's lettuce... back in the days when buying the weed drugs from some guy in the parking lot of an IHOP meant you were literally helping Al Qaeda do more 9/11s.

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