
joined 4 years ago
[–] 13 points 5 months ago

I mean if you're org is doing land acknowledgements then it's free to say them as aggressively as they want. Or even better, actually do something about it. For us the passive language came from the local first nation itself so I'm not really gonna question it. I've always read the request to do land acknowledgments as "In case of revolution, we call dibs".

[–] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

The 420chan /del/ board was a fun read back in my youth so I'll share what I gathered:

  1. Datura (morning glory) is very difficult to dose as the toxins are not evenly distributed throughout the plant. You can take 5 seeds and feel nothing or take two seeds and be gone for two days or worse.
  2. it is a delieriant, not a psychedelic (hence /del/ not /psy/). You will see shit that is not there, think you are in different locations, talk to people who dont exist, etc. It is more like of doing a bunch of benedryl than of shrooms or acid.
  3. It was never described as a "good time". Instead more like some spiritual journey. At best you think youre having a deep conversation with your unborn daughter, when you're really pacing back in forth, leaving a trail of partially chewn doritos on the floor. If you think you're going to chill and listen to some music well actually you're watching family guy for hours, actually the tv has been off this whole time, actually your on your deck and you've broken your favorite bong.

Have a trip sitter.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Im going to say that doesnt exist and restoring from it would be a nightmare. You could cobble together a shell or python script that does that though.

You're better off just getting a drive bay and plugging all the drives in at once as an LVM.

You could also do the opposite, which is split the 4TB into the different logical volumes. Each the same size as a drive.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Thats assuming Yemen is capable of stopping all israeli traffic through the red sea. Best they can do is make it risky, which is effective, but not total. Pretty sure the US has bases in Djbouti for this exact reason.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Is that all from Yemen pratrolling aden or has Egypt blockaded them from the Suez?

[–] 9 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Due to these attacks, many Israeli commercial ships have been forced to change their routes with Israel’s Eilat port recording around 85% loss in its business according to the media reports. The Houthi-led government in Yemen has also fired missiles and drones targeting Eilat.


Above cites almayadeen which cites israeli channel 13, which is an internet dead end.

Wiki says its not a major port compared to the Mediterranean ports. It doesnt even have a rail line...


On a long enough timeline they will eventually convince the US government to build a Gundam. Maybe General Dynamics will do it, doesnt matter. Its the inevitable trajectory we are on. The only reason why they haven't yet is the execs dont know what a Gundam is.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

Use systemctl:

  • to turn off lightdm, sudo systemctl stop lightdm. This will also shut down xfce if it was started with lightdm.
  • to permamently not start lightdm at boot, sudo systemctl disable lightdm.
  • to start xfce whenever you want it just run start-xfce.

Note: this will mean that you computer will boot directly to tty instead of any graphical display, which I assume is what you wanted.

New word (


[–] 23 points 10 months ago (1 children)

A red bellied woodpecker.

[–] 29 points 10 months ago
[–] 10 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Just over the past two weeks there's been at least 5 reports of the IDF shooting at each other by mistake.

I've heard rumors of these but have not seen a single article about it. Do you have one handy?

[–] 32 points 11 months ago (7 children)

“The current situation of the land forces is tragic, they are not ready for war. Emergency supplies are not available, exercises have stopped and the battalions have not trained in years. There is also no weapons training and education, and the army is not capable of carrying out an attack.” The former ombudsman added that technology alone is not enough to win wars. “The truth is that an imaginary reality has been created by the general staff and spread throughout the army. The soldiers have lost their motivation and fighting spirit in recent years, and many are not ready to go into battle.”

Good morning! That bit I bolded has got to be an exaggeration right? Or is the IDF just some sort of failing indoctrination program?

Uncritical support to any IDF soldiers who learn how to frag an officer.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Removing the intellectual property barriers necessitates ending the racist academies.


Investment firms will buy the music rights of famous artists before they die and after they die, the firm will generate "official" and "legal" AI music of that artist. They'll do this with all the famous boomer musicians like Bruce Springer, etc. All other ai music generated from that artist will be banned.

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