[-] cordlesslamp 10 points 22 hours ago

I've lost fate in "Remastered" over the last decade. Majority is just a quick cash grab. Some even worse than a 1-man fan-made mod.

[-] cordlesslamp 1 points 22 hours ago

Are you MacGyver?

[-] cordlesslamp 1 points 22 hours ago

I feel your pain. 9 years ago I dropped my Intel CPU into the socket. One magnifying glass, a tweezer, some toothpick, and a week later it was up and running for 8 years, until I moved and leave it in a cardboard box for 6 months. Now it's just boot looping after the CPU fan spin for a few seconds.

[-] cordlesslamp 3 points 1 day ago

I can eat all that in one sitting.

[-] cordlesslamp 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm on Lemmy reading comments about the debate.

[-] cordlesslamp 8 points 1 day ago

Imma do this with my son, right now in 2024.

Thanks, now my weekend is fully booked.

[-] cordlesslamp 4 points 1 day ago

The advantage of iMessage is SMS fallback when you don't have internet access.

[-] cordlesslamp 2 points 1 day ago

Old Logitech are great. New Logitech are cheap craps.

[-] cordlesslamp 3 points 1 day ago

I don't think they really care if it's not actually illegal.

Or they could sell the data in bulk. And the day I put in my number just happens to be the day they sell their database.

[-] cordlesslamp 3 points 1 day ago

Then explain "Dishwasher Salmon".

[-] cordlesslamp 2 points 1 day ago

How is it Thatcher's fault? I'm genuinely curious.

I learned that Hong Kong is under British control because it's a leasing contract that last 99 years (from 1898 to 1997). So when the time comes it's nobody's fault that Hong Kong went back to China. Because China at the time would never extent the contract or even except negotiations.

[-] cordlesslamp 39 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Banks and hospitals sell your information, too.

When my wife gave birth to our son at the hospital, I have to put down my phone number as part of the check in form. Immediately the next day I got call for "Home care services for new mom and baby".

submitted 2 months ago by cordlesslamp to c/chat@hexbear.net

Every year on my birthday, I treat myself to an unreasonable purchase. Something that I always wanted but wouldn't just buy it normally because it wouldn't be practical or reasonable. Something like an expensive toy, or a fun gadget, or a hobby kit.

This year I'm indecisive between the Steam Deck and the Meta Quest 3. You might ask why would that be unreasonable. Because I have a family with a newborn now so I don't have much free time to game anymore. It would be a waste because I can only play like once or twice per week.

I would love to hear about your desire for an "unreasonable purchase" (within your budget).

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