[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 8 points 6 months ago

Dont forget Steve Mould

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 11 points 7 months ago

You'd be just fine if you remain a decent human being rather than becoming an egotistical and racist pile of garbage.

Also, Musk was born rich and basically bought his fame.

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 22 points 7 months ago

Correction: Everyone is still allowed to make fun of American's crazy politicians, there's just more non-American politicians in the pool to also make fun of

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 10 points 7 months ago

Even if you're pro-religion, voting blue is the better choice. Only blind mammonites and hate-filled egotists can justify voting republican.

Also, the way Trump's base is all whipped up, not voting at all is nearly equivalent to voting for him.

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 11 points 7 months ago

(p.s. this orange kunt will never be president again)

I sincerely hope and wish you are correct. But last I heard he was ahead in the polls. 😱

The democrats really should have gone with a new face rather than Biden round 2.


The word éxito in Spanish (and cognates in other iberian romance languages) has the meaning of success, but it is a cognate of English "exit".

According to Wiktionary, they all come from Latin "exitus", which is a participle of "exire", which literally means "to go out/outside, to exit, to leave".

Also on the Wiktionary page for this word is someone asking about this apparent semantic shift in Spanish, which got me wondering as well. Further googling only told me that it's not just Spanish but also Galician and Portuguese, possibly more.

Does anyone have information on how this shift developed? Or is the written evidence we have so poor that it might just as well have suddenly acquired the current meaning overnight as gradually over several generations and we wouldn't be able to tell?

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 19 points 8 months ago

For those who want to know, that makes Xitter sound like halfway between Sitter and Shitter.

As an English speaker you can try to make that sound by saying the Y in YEET and paying close attention to how exactly your tongue is positioned and where in your mouth the air is being constricted. Then try to position your tongue as if you want to say "yeet" or "yes" again, but make an S sound at exactly the same constriction point where you made the Y sound before. If you're successful, it should sound like a hybrid between S and SH to your English ears.

That's how I make it anyway, actual Mandarin speakers might find issue with my explanation.

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 9 points 8 months ago

Für mich als Schweizer kommt noch dazu, das "ergibt" im Schweizer Sprachgebrauch nicht existiert, weder im Schweizerdeutschen noch in Schweizer Hochdeutsch.

In den meisten Fällen wird "macht" gebraucht, im mathematischen Kontext manchmal "gibt"/"git".

Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn viele deutsche und österreichische Dialekte das Wort "ergibt" auch nur als Fremdwort aus der offiziellen Standardsprache kennen.

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

At least in German, there's even a term that translates to grill vegetables. Meaning zucchini, eggplant, ...

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

Flour isn't just flammable; if it's dispersed in the air like a cloud, like it probably would be if you hastily threw it into a grease fire, it can even explode.

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 9 points 10 months ago

Thank you for the metric conversion 🥰

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

In the Spanish I speak, there's a saying that goes "sarna con gusto no pica" ~= "scabies doesn't itch if you like it", meaning something like "love covers many faults" in a negative way, or something like "some people just masochists, they like pain 🤷‍♂️"

[-] curiosityLynx@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

Did you not hear that Steve Huffman let slip during an interview that the API cost them about 10 million? And that he demanded 20million from the Apollo app alone? He wanted 3rd party apps gone.

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