[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 5 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

liberals are mind confuzzling but they're also not. There's this one FOSS dev whose mastodon I skim through (for updates on projects he's leading) and today he's just boosting posts like "Trump was able to lie and not get fact-checked and Biden is just old" and "save American democracy" and I always thought it was weird until he made a post describing how he as a lmayo was born and raised in Alabama and was taught that there are heroes and villains and the villains want to take democracy away and the heroes (usually msm approved black radicals like Rosa Parks and MLK) gave us democracy.

He's surrounded by people with zelensky-navi in their usernames so I shouldn't be surprised. It sucks because their USian liberal worldview permeates through everything and it always feels like you're being talked down to.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 67 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

When I was in high school my zionist peers absolutely hated these people. Like they would be called freeloaders who were piggybacking off of society who were going to replace the secular israelis and ruin Israel's reputation.

Funny to see how fascism works.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Buy a framework laptop. The earlier gen models are <1000 and you can always upgrade in the future. Their intel core ultra laptops can solidly play baldurs gate III and their AMD models as well.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 15 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I believe in a multiracial democracy, one of economic rights, civil liberties, and that affirms the working class and the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people.

gulag. If Nick Fuentes is gassing you up (even ironically) then you have failed as a human being lmao. Radlibs will say anything to get vulnerable people to side with them because they use people like Fuentes to threaten them.

I dream of the end of the US Empire and the destruction of the Global North. Fuentes and AOC are two sides of the same coin, they just want power and prestige.

edit: I guess critical support works here but she's an USian radlib so it's more complicated.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 3 points 4 days ago

You can get an older generation framework laptop, great Linux and Windows support and you can upgrade the computer down the line.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 13 points 5 days ago

Aang's never taken a life except all the times that he did and never felt anything about it.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 4 points 5 days ago

I grew up thinking Patrick was a loser but he's actually the happiest and most content resident of the Bikini Bottom.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 12 points 5 days ago

Mr beast is just doing gameshow reality TV that's corporate friendly. Pewdiepie is just a neo-nazi. Easy decision.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 8 points 5 days ago

When the worst person you know is right type moment.

Proprietary antivirus software is a dirty bandaid they use instead of building sustainable supply chains on nonfree operating systems (because it's all about grifting and conning people out of money and gatekeeping computers).

But yeah this was done probably because kaspersky was disabling anti-features on Windows and was killing the competition. Kaspersky's full scale invasion of boomers' computers.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 9 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Awkwardly looks at NixOS

  • Complete configuration based on declarative options.
  • Home Manager for declarative home directory management.
  • Nix Flakes for reproducibility and templating
  • devShells for programming.
  • Easy deployment on multiple machines, declarative disk partitioning with disko.
  • Is incredibly trivial to switch desktop environments (KDE -> GNOME takes only a few lines, or you can have both).
  • Releases every 6 months for a stable release, offers an unstable channel to live like an Arch user without all the fear of breaking anything you couldn't undo via the boot menu.
  • Largest set of packages (over 80,000) that is contributed to every day.

NixOS is the most rewarding distribution to stick with, even though starting with it can be rough.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 9 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I'm convinced that the show was supposed to be an original story but in order for execs to sign on anything it has to be tied to an existing product/brand. So we end up with a wildly different tone but dressed in recognizable branding.

No need to pay script writers to revise drafts or costume/set designers for new designs. Just rename characters and make it vaguely like the source material.

It really felt like game of thrones when the brother and sister leads go to somewhere called "the cave of lovers".

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

But my heart is like a claw machine, its only function is to reach, it can't hold on to anything

I'm going to make a post about this movie, both positive and negative thoughts right now. This movie is so transgender it hurts.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

TL;DW: Apple Intelligence is Apple training their models locally on your personal Apple product data (aka anything you do on an iPhone, Mac, iPad or your Apple ID) using their Apple Silicon chips as well as building a Apple Siri voice assistant client for OpenAI's ChatGPT. The features seem gatekept to newer Apple products and they claim it's opt-in.

It looks like "AI" is here to stay as capitalists have placed it in most supply chains and industries. Goes without saying, but don't buy Apple, you're just buying yourself a one-way trip to a digital jail where the walls are made out of "seamless apple ecosystem" and "shiny metal devices that are cold to the touch."

Especially don't buy anything from the Apple Store because that's trashy Global North treat brain behavior.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/libre@hexbear.net

kim-cool: People making fun of RedStar OS and then tell you they need Windows to install rootkits on their computer to play a shitty knockoff of Fortnite.

I wonder what creeps and stalkers are going to do with this, especially considering there's findings that it isn't actually encrypted. Get phished once and they have a profile of your entire identity both online and offline.

Windows should be beaten to death with a stick before it bites more people. kim-blood

2025 is going to be the year of the Linux desktop tux-shining



NixOS is a GNU/Linux distribution based on declarative builds using the functional Nix package manager. It boasts the most amount of available software on any Linux distribution as well as configuration options for various programs. There are more than 100,000 packages on nixpkgs as well as more than 10,000 options for system configuration.

Nix resources:

NixOS is a great way to learn how GNU/Linux works as well as to build a system configuration that you can take anywhere, anytime.


cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2639980

Discord is proprietary spyware. Using it means endorsing and legitimizing it.

Discord relies on its reputation to lure its victims. Despite just starting out as a way for freeze-gamer to mingle in chatrooms and VoIP rooms, Discord has now expanded to any sort of purpose, even extending to schools where students will use Discord for clubs as well as online projects where communication is done over the platform.

The reliance on Discord is dangerous. Any thing you type or do in this program is recorded for the highest bidder (that be your government or private data brokers). The interface and UX is designed to keep you in the app for as long as possible.

There's no way to "smartly" or "responsibly" use Discord. One way or another, Discord will extract value from you. It's not just about you, but about everyone who uses the platform.


There are no "alternatives" to Discord. I'm not going to try to fool you by saying there's a magic bullet to defeat Discord's presence in western society (other than socialism and gamer-gulag). But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to help.

  • Matrix: A decentralized messaging protocol. It supports video conferencing on its main instance as well as support for the Discord "Server" functionality. Easiest solution for a drop-in replacement.

  • IRC: The one that came before Discord, community networks can be used if you need to communicate and is just as secure as Discord (public chat rooms with zero end-to-end encryption besides TLS)

  • GNU Jami: If there was a magic bullet, this would be it. Completely decentralized, peer-to-peer messaging network that is device based. It is a GNU package, possibly the most guarantee for freedom you can get in this world. The team is small, but if you need somewhere to host your leftist activities that will require more than a court order (or a simple bribe) to de-anonymize by state and non-state (those funded by other states) actors then this is it.


This is a post for self crit. If the service is free of charge, then you're the product. Any leftist should take steps to eliminate their dependency on Discord and proprietary messaging programs. Also any leftist should spread this message and inform others about the risks of using proprietary software.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/effort@hexbear.net

TL;DR Discord loves to present itself as a company run by a few gamers just like you. The service aggressively advertises itself as "for gamers" with the hope that this "reputation" alone will propel Discord to the top. This has worked really well. The Discord team has refused, however, on multiple occasions to take certain steps to protect their userbase, described in more detail above such as adoption of E2E encryption or going open source. Instead, the Discord team states clearly in their privacy policy that they will gladly hoard a plethora of data about their users indefinitely, loosely claiming to only delete it when its no longer needed. The data they collect and store includes (but is not limited to) full chat logs, all chat media, a list of who you chat with, email address, IP address, device ID, behavioral analysis, activity tracking on the service, pulling info from social media accounts you link, and much more as stated above and in their Privacy Policy. Discord shares this same data with all of its partners, affiliates, agents, and "Related Companies" while lazily instructing you to check their privacy policy to find out what happened to your information, as its no longer any concern to Discord. In addition, Discord goes further to say "Developers using our SDK or API will have access to their end users’ information, including message content, message metadata, and voice metadata". Their very vague "information" wording allows Discord to send whatever they please while, of course, leaving it up to you to go check their privacy policy and figure out just where and to who Discord sloppily throws your data around. Discord continues to show little to no progress or effort in considering open source code, strong end-to-end encryption adoption, or even something as simple as allowing the deletion of an old account. It is important to note that while Discord allows the "deactivation" of an account, their support team will happily inform you that they do not delete your data and your account cannot be deleted. This data is again stored for an indefinite period of time.

Discord is proprietary spyware. Using it means endorsing and legitimizing it.

Discord relies on its reputation to lure its victims. Despite just starting out as a way for freeze-gamer to mingle in chatrooms and VoIP rooms, Discord has now expanded to any sort of purpose, even extending to schools where students will use Discord for clubs as well as online projects where communication is done over the platform.

The reliance on Discord is dangerous. Any thing you type or do in this program is recorded for the highest bidder (that be your government or private data brokers). The interface and UX is designed to keep you in the app for as long as possible.

There's no way to "smartly" or "responsibly" use Discord. One way or another, Discord will extract value from you. It's not just about you, but about everyone who uses the platform.


There are no "alternatives" to Discord. I'm not going to try to fool you by saying there's a magic bullet to defeat Discord's presence in western society (other than socialism and gamer-gulag). But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to help.

  • Matrix: A decentralized messaging protocol. It supports video conferencing on its main instance as well as support for the Discord "Server" functionality. Easiest solution for a drop-in replacement.

  • IRC: The one that came before Discord, community networks can be used if you need to communicate and is just as secure as Discord (public chat rooms with zero end-to-end encryption besides TLS)

  • GNU Jami: If there was a magic bullet, this would be it. Completely decentralized, peer-to-peer messaging network that is device based. It is a GNU package, possibly the most guarantee for freedom you can get in this world. The team is small, but if you need somewhere to host your leftist activities that will require more than a court order (or a simple bribe) to de-anonymize by state and non-state (those funded by other states) actors then this is it.


This is a post for self crit. If the service is free of charge, then you're the product. Any leftist should take steps to eliminate their dependency on Discord and proprietary messaging programs. Also any leftist should spread this message and inform others about the risks of using proprietary software.

We should also take Discord as a lesson in how to identify the dangers of proprietary programs and why it could make us vulnerable to abuse (which as we know in a capitalist society, is coming one way or the other). Discord isn't the lone offender, but an example of how nonfree software will always pose a threat to a free and democratic society and only benefits the bourgeoisie.

Let this be the last thing I have to say about this accursed program

submitted 1 month ago by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

(Angrily taps foot)

I wanna play my fitgirl repacks minus all the stuttering but nvidia is transphobic :(((

Tried NVK but then realized that all my apps don't have it turned on yet because mesa 24.1 hasnt been released and so they default to OpenGL or don't run at all.

The wait is so excrutiating because it's right there. Just give me my nvidia 555 driver naowhhhh!!!

Anyone else feel like this?

Linux gaming >>> Windows gaming tho.


However, as reported in Vietnam.net, it's possible Steam has been taken down in Vietnam after local game developers complained about the scope and size of Steam's vast portfolio of games, claiming Vietnamese devs cannot compete with Steam's releases given they are subject to government approval and thousands of international games on Steam are not.

Citing it as "an injustice to domestic publishers", Vietnamese studios reportedly say that local game development "will die" if Steam is able to keep releasing games without the same government scrutiny as domestic games.

Based Vietnam protecting its domestic games industry from American capitalists. :)

TLDR: the online game monopolies of Vietnam complains that they can't extort the market share our Lord and Savior Gabe Newell rightfully earned," said one unhappy Steam user.

Steam users are so fucking insufferable. They hate all capitalist game companies except this one which they will eagerly lick the boot of.


I've got more COSMIC propaganda. This is a more in-depth overview of COSMIC DE by System76.

Another kicker: COSMIC uses hybrid graphics so your dedicated GPU is only used for certain applications which require it instead of your entire desktop. No more needing to switch between integrated and dedicated graphics on your laptop!

Kick #2: COSMIC apps work on both Linux and Windows operating systems (just like KDE apps).

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/libre@hexbear.net

I just tried out the COSMIC Desktop Environment (DE) created and engineered by System76 (people who are behind POP!_OS). It was an incredible experience even though it was just a pre-alpha.

COSMIC was engineered virtually from the ground-up to be System76's solution to move away from GNOME and onto their own tech stack. The entire DE is written in the Rust programming language utilizing the iced application framework with their in-house application library libcosmic (similar to how KDE uses Qt+Breeze+Frameworks or GNOME uses GTK + Libadwaita).


If you're familiar with POP!_OS 22.04's take on GNOME, then the workflow is no different here with emphasis on features such as tiling, application dock, application launcher, universal search launcher and of course: auto-tiling.

One of the exclusive features of COSMIC is its 1st class support for custom theming on the fly. You're allowed to theme the desktop in almost any way you can (even with nauseating colors) and the DE will adapt to your preferences.

It can even theme gnome apps! (I read other books dw)

Auto-tiling is also great to use, you can toggle specific windows to be floating or tiled.

Theme integration with Qt apps are a work in progress + some quirks of running COSMIC in a container with KDE. So far, I really enjoy how buttery smooth everything is (besides some pre-alpha stuttering), the entire desktop feels like a really cohesive experience. It has the efficiency of a tiling window manager but the convenience of a DE.

It has an overview!!! (super+w)

You can also stack windows on top of each other

Not everything is implemented (obviously) but just the promise of a DE that does tiling and window management like this has me sold.

How to try out COSMIC?


There's a flake

Fedora Atomic Desktop

You can use a universal blue image and rebase to that, it even includes options for having a fallback desktop environment of either GNOME or KDE as well.


Note that this cannot be used in production: cosmic is pre-alpha software as well as needing to turn off SELinux.

Or wait until POP!_OS 24.04 is released with a stable version of COSMIC this summer. This has been my first time running COSMIC but when the stable version drops you bet I'm switching over (though no one can take away my Fedora atomic distro).

Switch to GNU/Linux or pay the ultimate price freedom-hater

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/libre@hexbear.net

The Nix saga continues. Now it's reaching a boiling point.

From this evidence, it can be observed that Eelco and Graham strangely strongly want the Nix project to be able to be a vehicle for advertising Anduril.

I don't know, If I didn't want my entire community to go against me I would just not advertise the Military Industrial Complex.

The signatories of this document intend to switch to, as well as actively support, any fork efforts for the entire Nix community unless something significantly changes soon. If there is no satisfying progress in action on Eelco’s resignation from positions of authority in all parts of the Nix project by Wednesday May 1, 2024, we intend to ensure this letter reaches a wide audience.

First Stallman, then Vaxry, now Eelco (and even more). The FOSS space is going to get rid of all cisgender white techbros. Down with cis! meow-knife-trans

submitted 2 months ago by hello_hello@hexbear.net to c/libre@hexbear.net

Nonfree game programs (like other nonfree programs) are unethical because they deny freedom to their users. (Game art is a different issue, because it isn't software.) If you want freedom, one requisite for it is not having or running nonfree programs on your computer. That much is clear.

However, if you're going to use these games, you're better off using them on GNU/Linux rather than on Microsoft Windows. At least you avoid the harm to your freedom that Windows would do.

I've had some really complicated feelings about nonfree games. The first thing to get out of the way is my treat brain that likes playing video games and has liked playing video games ever since I was old enough to pick up a Playstation 2 controller.

However, I can also recognize the immense level of harm that proprietary video games are capable of producing. The company, whose client program I effectively disengaged from, pioneered the online gambling epidemic that has only spread throughout the world (even in China, where efforts to curb the practice have sadly failed AFAIK). However it is that same company who created Proton, a translation layer for video games meant to be run on Windows to be able to run on GNU/Linux (so far, porting Wine to other free operating systems is possible) and have little to no performance loss. This program and the company's tie-in hardware product "The Steam Deck" has been responsible for an upsurge in people using a free operating system, even if it is to play nonfree games using a DRM-based client.

I suppose that availability of popular nonfree programs on the GNU/Linux system can boost adoption of the system. However, the aim of GNU goes beyond “success”; its purpose is to bring freedom to the users. Thus, the larger question is how this development affects users' freedom.

Perhaps some of these users will learn about the inherent value of software which respects your freedom. Maybe I am one of those users. To be honest, I started my journey into free software only two years ago, back when I installed Kubuntu 22.04 onto my lenovo laptop and marveled at a desktop that didn't eat 4 GBs of RAM and didn't have ads on startup. The freedom part came later, much later (I was still using Windows to play modded Fallout: New Vegas on my "gaming pc").

Then I asked myself think-mark "What will I have after 500 years?" Well, not exactly, but the same sentiment. As I looked at my Steam library of games (I must have spent an embarrassing amount of money and time on) I just thought to myself for a very long while.

Why would I even delete my account? I can just leave it there if I ever want to use it again. If I delete it, I'm just going to wasting my money I spent on those games. I'll be forced to buy them again, who would want to play video games with someone who doesn't even have a Steam account. Steam is synonymous with video games, if you don't have one (or its many shallow imitators), you don't get to play games. If you don't have a video game console, you don't get to play games.

Just keep the account, just forget about it. Don't install Steam on your operating system, the account can just stay. You'd be an idiot to waste your money and waste all this good VaLuE. agony-shivering

To have freedom in your computing, requires rejecting nonfree software, pure and simple. You as a freedom-lover won't use the nonfree game if it exists, so you won't lose anything if it does not exist.

So I contacted Steam support and asked for them to delete my account, a few days later, they emailed back that they did.

After 500 years, I'll still be freer than I was 500 years ago. bloomer I'm going to read a book now marx-hi.

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