[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago

The way that the tools move with such certainty and without hesitation is the most amusing part of the gif to me. I suppose that applies to all surgery visualization gifs but the fact that there isn't even a pause for precision when going in with the scissors gives an interesting narrative in my head of the surgeon's process.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 13 points 1 week ago

black and red pill are both probably the most powerful for self interested ends, but the orange pill and grey pills allow for the most reality bending of situations.

I'd probably go for the black pill, make good documentation of working somewhere and making no mistakes, then trying to sue the company that fired me if I can find a reason to.

If I were much braver, I could use the Red Pill to act as a technoprophet or to blackmail large portions of the tech industry (they just have to believe I can permanently black them out on command, the fact that I only have 100 of them is more than enough to make them believe it), but alas, I am not nearly brave enough to try and pull a stunt like that.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 4 points 3 weeks ago

huh i am genuinely baffled as to why that was even in my clipboard anyways fixed.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 4 points 3 weeks ago

i am terrified by the extremely high resolution image of donald trump

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 12 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

They did a one-shot where someone pulled a massive distribution of wealth to a population of people, though still within the bounds of self-interest.

(Edited to the correct link)


spoilerEssentially, he got the deathnote, scrubbed his identity from it entirely in time, memory, and association, sold it to the United States for 10 trillion dollars, and had that money distributed to a vast amount of people in Japan. Definitely still self-interested, and could've been used to greater effect in helping people, but pretty dang good.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)


spoileri am bi and cisgender but to the extent that i am apathetic about my gender and wouldn't mind experimenting with presentation sicko-zoomer

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 9 points 1 month ago

my partner likes it a lot because they play as carby and the game is forced to progress while they progress. As opposed to Mario, where my sheer gamer skill makes it so that they could technically do nothing and the level would complete, they like the game moving forward because of their inputs.

I think it's really good but I wish they worked on the effects and floaty feel of the game to make it CRUNCHIER. It could use tighter controls and better sound design. Compare Planet Robobot, super satisfying and crunchy game to play.


it tastes too plane

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 1 points 5 months ago

That's wild. I typically mod Stardew and stop playing it a bit after I am done hyperfixating on reaching the bottom of the mines as quickly as possible.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 2 points 5 months ago

Yeah it is basically a joker scheme.

Another way to look at it is like a device that you and I sit on opposite sides of.

If I put in a coin, you get three coins. If you put in a coin, I get three coins.

Putting in a coin strictly hurts the actor putting the coin in. Playing it "optimally", there's no reason to ever put in a coin. Even though we could easily both walk away two coins richer, if we are "purely rational, self interested actors", we'll both walk away with nothing.

Technically, this scenario is flawed because "betraying" the other person makes the scenario worse for everyone if the other person also "betrays". A true prisoner's dilemma is supposed to be pretty clear cut "always right to betray", meanwhile in this a selfish actor would have reason not to pull the lever as to avoid losing the people on their trolley.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 3 points 5 months ago

I always try my best to recognize babies and young children as very intelligent and internally thorough and complete.

I've found that as I've gotten older, my internal world and emotions and what I want to say really hasn't changed. The biggest thing that's changed is that I'm more articulate, able to better say what I need or how I'm feeling. Meanwhile, when I was young, I lacked the vocabulary or social know-how to articulate what I was feeling, and that adults would just about never sit down and try to work with me to figure out what I'm feeling, and they'd try to invalidate how I'm feeling because they're better at using words, or just generally don't take me very seriously.

When I work with kids, especially ones that can't speak, I've found a little bit of respect and empathy goes a very long way. They almost always want to communicate something to me and express autonomy. A toddler whose parents insisted was very ill-behaved was very, very nice to me because I recognized that what they wanted was to handle their food on their own, go to the bathroom without being escorted, stuff like that.

I get that you're not talking about toddlers or young children, and I recognize that functionally they're essentially on a permanent escort mission and can't do anything on their own, and that's what I believe you mean by "object". I find that line of thinking to be, I dunno, maybe a bit disrespectful? Like, certainly I can see why it's "correct" from some definitions, but it's not something that I'd let enter my heart. To me, babies have deeply complicated and involved inner worlds. They've spent their entire life in this strange, alien world with massive people and brand new, unpleasant sensations. They can't do anything on their own, but they think, and they want to communicate, and they're so overjoyed when they can do something and get recognition from it.

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