Fuck Amazon for pulling them.
That's required in Texas.
I wish we had this in the US.
Don't. What the fuck? Did they do this on purpose? Then do not associate with them again, they're a psychopath. If it was an accident, and their apology is half assed, then they're not really sorry. Not a sociopath, but a jerk.
Something along the lines of "don't ever go to bed angry at each other." Like, yeah, you should try to work it out, but if you fucked up real bad, don't push it. Sleep on the couch.
Almost definitely not at all. There's just too much latency, due to the speed of light. Local storage will always be faster than cloud, by a huge margin, unless you're using an incredibly slow medium.
Only 35,999 more to go to catch up to the US this year.
Maybe he realized we'd all care just as much if he got Luigied.
Then kids bop.
Hmm. You remember how congress used to round up suspected communists?
We all need more Luigi.