[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 21 points 2 weeks ago

Resurrect Allende and we will have 200 argentinian pesos be equal to one chilean peso in half a year

Don't resurrect Allende and we will have the same thing but it'll take more time

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 46 points 3 weeks ago

Critical support to Tesla in their plans of sabotaging police

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 25 points 1 month ago

It's legalese, laywers have to do this, or the message's recipient will bog everything down arguing about semantics.

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 36 points 2 months ago

people are doubting whether real estate will ever be a viable investment again


[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 16 points 2 months ago

Federation was much more smooth than what was predicted. Hexbear and Grad genuinely feel like the only difference is in the emote collection.

I'd like to have a combined feed of the two instances.

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 15 points 2 months ago

If it is possible, emigrating to a safer country?

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 24 points 2 months ago

bridget-smug I just wanna be grill

Later, at Home Depot (i'm not american I don't know what people have there):

grillman hello this is home depot what can I get you

bridget-yoyo-walk I want these, these and these grill accessories

grillman That's a lot of grilling... Do you want propane?

bridget-vibe Yes please!

grillman Here you go, happy grill time!

bridget Thank you! Goodbye!

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 30 points 2 months ago

According to the stereotype, trans men are grilling.

submitted 3 months ago by imikoy@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

Update all of your Linux systems NOW.

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 25 points 3 months ago

The entire government's top is like this. The trans people ban, for example, entered Gosduma with, IIRC, over 300 people cited as authors (Gosduma has 450 people in it).

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 46 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Wait are the news coming out about it only now? IIRC this was announced back in January.

Anyway, what this means:

  1. Organisations that provided legal support (for example for trans people that applied for gender marker change before the ban but got unjustly denied) cannot exist. There is no one to speak in legalese for us.

  2. Organisations that provided other kinds of support cannot expose themselves.

  3. Display of flags, pins, or other stuff with rainbow/trans flag/etc. on them is "showing support for extremist organisations", repeated offence is punishable by jail time.

  4. I, and everyone I know, have abandoned all hope for this place.

Edit: I kinda want to write stuff about what I have ingested from the environment in Russia (movies, TV, and other government-controlled outlets), but for it to happen I need to feel safe in doing it.

Edit 2: wikipedia page for LGBT rights in Russia. So the decision was made in 30 Nov. 2023, and IIRC it became active early January 2024.

[-] imikoy@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago
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