
joined 2 years ago
[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Try out Shreddit, it's a web app for exactly this. It even lets you filter by post karma so you can keep your hits. I've never used it but that's the name that came up over on Reddit from everyone talking about the announcement.

This announcement is just "oh by the way, the horse is now out of the barn. He left like 10 years ago but this is the announcement."

Shout out to whoever dismissed the first AI writings with "It's like a perfect Redditor. Totally confident and completely full of shit, doesn't even know that it's lying."

That doesn't happen by accident. That happens when everyone was already scraping the shit out of the site, at the very least.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Damn I just eat these whole now. I guess it's all about the presentation.

This show is going to be a huge hit with line cook babydaddies.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 172 points 7 months ago (26 children)

This sounds like the battery and the charger's problem to handle, not mine.

All this tech, all this automation for every damn thing, and people keep coming at me like I'm supposed to do everything manually with my fingers and eyes and maybe an alarm or something to keep me on schedule. No. Stop it.

Make the charger handle it, or shut up. Make the phone, the charger, and the battery handle it together, you know, with digital automation. Do not even mention it to me.

I wonder if there's a "This Side Toward Enemy" onesie you can buy.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 41 points 7 months ago (3 children)

This type of relationship is pretty common in war. You and the squad end up "in the shit" and now you have all crossed the boundaries of what civilians call "manliness". You are free, unimpeachable, the manliest thing, a real warrior, a soldier in battle. The things you do now define manliness, you are writing the rules. They can call you whatever, you will reply with the sort of laughter that silences fools.

People die around you. The sound of another man's voice becomes poetry to you. How much longer will you hear his voice? Who knows, tell him a shitty joke. Sit on his lap for a gag, do whatever. Drink in his presence, press his flesh against yours, be alive together, try to keep him in your memory, tomorrow we all may die. Has anybody seen those pictures of soldiers from the American Civil War all hanging out and mugging for the camera? Acting all "gay" with each other? That's what war does to men, sometimes, probably not that often, I fear.

Somebody online with a military background once remarked about the safest he's ever felt, including in civilian life, was when he was in some tent in a war zone with the rest of the platoon, everyone in their sleeping bags, crammed in the tent together like a litter of kittens in a box. Sure, they were in the death zone, for real, but he was warm and snug, surrounded by armed badasses who would come to his aid at once if anything nasty went down. He said he slept like a baby, that he's never felt that sense of security since, not even safe in bed as a civilian, later.

It means a lot to me that this book, TLOR, was pretty much written by the Great War. Tolkien went to that war, against his own will, compelled by shame campaigns, not even the law, in spite of his own convictions, and he did not have some safe posting at the base, no, he was at the Somme. He saw the worst of it, probably missed death by inches several times, saw mud and blood, was deafened and battered, only to survive at last, coming home as changed as Frodo.

He watched men charge into machine guns like mice into a blender, watched them die of trench foot and the stupid ways war kills you without even glory or honor to show for it, saw that sometimes courage is just hiding in your little hole and not screaming when the tanks roll over. He saw Mordor in person. No man's land.

Then he came home, and did he write some edgy darkness? No. He wrote this thing, this fantasy, with its message of hope that evil can be vanquished, and that men can be good, yes, even when they seem utterly lost to goodness. This is somehow the lesson that the War to End All Wars had taught him. He had nothing left to prove, so he made a pretty, frivolous thing, for children, but couldn't help it, he couldn't help making something bigger than that. He knew how intimate men become with each other under fire, and it ended up in the book.

That is the only thing he wanted to remember, that unexpected love when suffering and death are right on top of you. I wonder who Legolas was to him? Somebody young and beautiful, who deserved to live a thousand years, but didn't, probably. They shall not grow old.

We shouldn't need the machine guns coming at us to hug our friends, that's probably what he wanted the world to know.

So are they aware that they're trying to shame a joke account that's already doing a bit?

Do they think they're winning? Are they in on the bit? What sort of cataclysm has to happen for Twitter people to wake up and go "oh my god, I WAS THE ASSHOLE THIS ENTIRE TIME, WHAT AM I DOING HERE"?

I'm glad I get to wipe my ass with what's left of them without having to touch their vile community, I'll call that a win.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)

So what's the verdict, are the electric unicycles cool? Have they broken the curse? They do look cool, and you better be wearing the full motorcycle getup if you know what's good for you, because they're fast as f too.

That's my favorite Pixies album

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 7 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I wonder if it works like IRC. The "plague" this entire time has been servers. As soon as the idea only works because somebody, somewhere, is maintaining a server, cloud or hardware, then you're kinda sunk. The server is the bottleneck. I don't know how many times I've seen a AAA game launch only for the servers to be inadequate. It happens again and again and again, so I assume the business considerations push them toward having just enough server and maybe a little less, never extra, which costs money and cuts margins.

Somewhere there are a bunch of servers howling away in a room that are actually Discord, and Discord spends money to make them howl, so there's never as much server as you want, which is why things start bogging down with too many people in the chat room at once.

Most importantly to a corporation, if you have to interact with their servers in order to do anything, then they can own the platform by owning the servers. So there's always going to be a server, even if it's not strictly needed. The same consideration goes through the head of the streamer who always wants to launch a Discord because it's "free" but they can sell it to you and then have top level control of an entire community as an asset that can be sold to others. There's always a server. There will be a server if the actual application doesn't really need it.

The reason IRC works fine with 1500 people in a chat is because IRC uses the user's machine for any sort of computation power it needs, and then everything else it is doing is just sending data across wires. There is no central server farm. I haven't used IRC in a really, really long time, but if it hasn't changed, then it also doesn't support lots of picture posting, which helps. Most of the memory usage on my machine at idle is just too many Discord channels all needing to use my local RAM memory to store the umpteen thousand photos everyone has uploaded, all the memes and etc. The IRC I remember was text, and text uses so little data that it can be treated like zero data.

Lots of pictures are probably non-negotiable in the modern era. Heck, they're pretty important for serious work tasks, like putting up a shot of the broken gadget, so the engineering team can get an eyeball on the failure, that means pictures are in, text-only isn't viable. I don't know if modern IRC supports this or not, it probably does if people are still using it at all.

But IRC is a piece of open-source software that you install on your machine, free to the user. It's not a web app, it doesn't live in a browser. The data of you interacting with others is being sent out to them and also back to you, where it shows up in your IRC client and the chat room. If 1500 people are using it, then 1500 people have each added some of their machine power to making it all work, so it scales, it always has as much hardware as it needs. Again, there's no server in the middle to run out of capacity, so that problem is just bypassed.

Everything used to work like this, circa the late 1990s and early 2010s. Everyone was assumed to be on a PC of their own, and the only problem was how to connect them together to do stuff, like have deranged fan wars about shows. BBSs were already kind of old hat, and there's that damn server again, every BBS has one. All the most clever apps of the 90s, even the web, managed to jump through hoops to avoid the necessity of a central server to get things done because then somebody has to pay for it, run it, maintain it and own it. We just want the wires, the lovely, lovely cables dragged across the sea at somebody else's unthinkable expense. If you can eliminate the server somehow, then you win. And they did. Things like IRC and ICQ blew the hell up from using that model.

We really need to dig that entire concept back up and brush the dust off of it. I wonder if that's what Matrix is.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go prune some pointless Discord channels. Oh, by the by, fucking nobody uses Slack, or knows what it is. Dudes on the internet all think it's normal because tech offices seem to use it a lot, the rest of the world has never used Slack. Up until right now I was assuming that Discord and Slack are the same thing, owned by the same company, and Slack is just the "business casual" version of Discord. This doesn't seem to be true, but that's how unfamiliar I am with Slack, while being chronically online. There are probably more people around who still remember ICQ than have ever used Slack in their lives.

I love the Church of the Subgenius reference built into Slack's name. From what I can tell, nobody who uses that thing actually gets any slack, it actively removes slack from your life and makes boss surveillance really, really easy for the boss, but you must always act as though Big Brother can hear, or you're fucked. Good work Bob, nice joke. Anyway, I shut up now.

For some reason they all come from Cleveland


At roughly 3:15 pm EDT on Monday April 8, Northwest Ohio will experience a Total Solar Eclipse, this is where the Moon completely blocks the Sun plunging the local world into darkness for a short time during a period of normal daylight.

The phenomenon should occur in full in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, and Dayton, including all the smaller towns around and between those. If you have people in Indianapolis, they'll very much see it too.

You can view the eclipse with the proper equipment, including special glasses, expect to pay about $15 for a pack of 5 glasses. Here is a link for a list of reputable suppliers.

There are several ways to observe the eclipse, such as DIY pinhole cameras, and it is safe to watch anyone's livestream as well. The glasses will be nice to have, though. You have several months to prepare.

An Annular Solar Eclipse will also happen on October 14 of this year, and we won't see it, since the phenomenon will pass through Oregon and Texas, plus the states in between, missing Ohio completely. In an Annular Solar Eclipse, the Moon is in front of the sun in such a way as to create a "ring of fire" from the Sun blazing behind the Moon. I'm sure it's going to be very cool for everyone who sees it.

Solar eclipses happen on a regular basis, but because it is the angle of your location with respect to the Sun and Moon that creates the eclipse experience, that means that you will either miss most or all of them during your life. You need to travel a lot to see solar eclipses frequently.

A total solar eclipse is quite a thing, and it is an exceedingly rare thing to be able to see from the comfort of your backyard, in Toledo, so heads up to everyone who even remotely cares.

The eclipse should be fairly short, so you'll need maybe a half hour out of Monday to properly experience it before the Sun and Moon move and it's over. If you can get free for a bit, do it.


Early voting has started for the November General Election, it's the way to go, probably in and out, if you already have a good idea of how you're voting.


"Brazil's Supreme Court has rejected efforts to restrict native peoples' rights to reservations on their ancestral lands.

Six of the 11 justices on Thursday ruled in favour of restoring territory to the Xokleng people, from which they were evicted.

The ruling sets a precedent for hundreds of indigenous land claims and is expected to have widespread consequences for indigenous land rights.

The decision was met with celebrations and tears of joy by members of indigenous groups from across the country. " - BBC


tie ne gal big music


I didn't know where else to post it, sorry. Hopefully the Canadians see this too. We should make sure to have a whole server post on this every year.


commie mommy


the stuck is home


starved? no touch


mater potater idk


I feel Tom was far more forgiving than he should be.

Oh, yeah, I think this is an old Tom and Jerry skit with waifus on top, you probably know the waifus better than aifu, they are just "anime wimmin" to me, sry


ScannerDanner my dude, to know him is to love him.



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