
joined 7 months ago
[–] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)


[–] 4 points 6 months ago

Humanity can remain an industrialized society while decreasing consumption significantly, and space has little to do with that transition. The human need for space is nothing more than satellites, we will never need a white man on Mars, we will never need astroid mining or manufacturing, we don’t need deep space probes, we don’t need a human in space, we don’t need a space station. All investment in space is military investment, all space programs are military programs. While cutting space programs will hurt scientific progress, demilitarization is preferable. If we had a ww3 there would be huge scientific breakthroughs, it wouldn’t be worth it though, not unless the left would unambiguously win that war, and we wouldn’t want to have that war for science.

And say communists did gain full control, space would not be their priority. We would cancel all the moon missions, we would axe basically all the shit nasa is doing, the entire planet could be serviced by a few spaceports. In 1000 years there would probably not be a man on mars still as there will always be a more important issue on Earth. The only reason the Soviet Union developed a space program was that the nazis fired rockets at them and had to develop it defensively. Humanity’s scientific advancement in a communist society would be focused on more mundane things if there is no pressure from reactionary forces. The good future is one with no ai, no space, no megaprojects. Stagnation would be good.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (4 children)

All space colonization is a colossal fuck up. Let’s remain in earth picking nuts and berries instead paying for a billionaire to mine water on some far flung space object in our solar system that we will never be able to go to.


Would anyone be down? We would need a game master, players would represent different interests groups (labor unions, poc, scientists, revolutionaries, ect), everyone would have a hidden agenda, players can become a supreme leader or it could end up entirely as anarchy, it would be entirely text based through discord. Gameplay would consist of passing laws in a weekly held congress and the laws can either have positive or negative consequences based off a chance roll. Everyone loses if the committee loses power, if the character your playing as gets purged you just play a new character, getting kicked out of the game for real requires you being an asshole. I call it committees and chairpeoples.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

In gay soviet russia the prefix bi mean any and all genders and not two. Why? Fuck you!

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

Quitting cold turkey is the best way to end an addiction but if that’s not possible (because alcohol addiction can literally kill you if bad enough) then you have to ween yourself off the junk ideally with medical intervention. Throw out whatever alcohol you may have if it isn’t going to literally kill you, if you will literally die without it then get real fucking help.

[–] 11 points 6 months ago

Assume everyone is even if told otherwise including yourself


ive seen blue eyes and im pretty green eyes exist but are gray and yellow eyes real?


Imagine a long line of terminally ill cancer patients and old people laying on gurneys being pushed by hospice workers towards the Israeli embassy for their turn to commit suicide in front of it. Imagine granny choosing to go out by self immolation smoking one final cigarette as the hospice workers pour gasoline on her. I’m not kidding if you work the medical field and are even tangentially involved with medically assisted suicide suggest it a joke, maybe not the self immolation part, maybe there’s a cool dying boomer that would do this.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Please, shut the fuck up.

[–] 17 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Europe really should be ruled by Moscow as a colony. No money printing, no voting, just give it to them! THEY WANT IT! I WANT IT!

[–] 9 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I really hope this program isn’t doing the opposite and imposing white people in Black and Indigenous clothes and historical events, it’s funny when it’s happening to white people but in reverse it’s racism.


I think it was during the trump presidency, but early into the trump presidency before qanon. I had a random flashback thinking about it earlier. I’m pretty sure one of the pepes was like Bain from Batman and it had text that said “the fire rises” or something cringe like that.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

matt Hexbear fails to not be the living embodiment of a soyjak yet again by mindlessly consuming media product and making said consumption their entire identity.

[–] 16 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Do lines of cocaine, not lines of AAVE. kelly

[–] 11 points 7 months ago

Ireland is long past the days of being revolutionary, their support for Palestine and such is merely a vestigial remnant of that past. Let’s not forget that last year the white men of Ireland fucking rioted over the existence of black and brown people, that chud Conner MacGregor made himself the self appointed leader of that mini pogrom through twitter.

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