
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago


A useful lens I find is whether a social media system is good at creating, facilitating and hosting genuine communities.

Alt-social right now is struggling with this I think and, IMO, has plenty of room to grow in this regard.

The difficulty though is that it requires more features in our platforms, some likely non-trivial. That's a big ask for an open non-profit ecosystem.

An effective means of aggregating multiple parts into a unified view could alleviate this.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)


Personally, I'm there with you I think. I only use default web-UIs on all fediverse platforms I've used, and advocate for that.

But should multi-protocol systems and multi-platform clients become normalised, I think this goes beyond "to app or not to app". What I'm talking about could likely just be a web-app.

The issue is more around aggregation and creating something "greater than the sum of its parts" out of open alt-social.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Probably not original at all. But I suspect there's something to framing it around "improving the quality of internet discourse" through the emergent dynamics of a federation ... especially in comparison to monolithic big-social.

It also repositions the internet as a broader resource to be used effectively.

And instills independent and contentiously incompatible instances along with widely connected federation as desirable positives for social media and the internet in general.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (5 children)


A tricky part here is that the community still needs to be followed at least once on your instance for the content to come through. *I think*

So if a community isn't coming through, I'd recommend these steps:

* Search for the community and follow it like any other user.
* Add it to a specific/bespoke list, then remove that list from home (a setting available on each list). This removes "the firehose" from your home feed.
* Follow the corresponding tag as you would any other


[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)


Be sure to check out the "catch up" feature. Best thing I've seen in any social media client I think.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago


I think you’re missing the point. OCR has a different impact from an AI generated picture or song, whatever you think of the quality.

It’s different from AI writing emails for me. Sure it’s just dumb emails, but that’s the problem, for many that’s half their job. For many working artists, dumb songs and pictures was half their job. Half of who they are.

Forget AGI, we’re creatures of habit more than reasoning, I can buy a machine that’s a better artist than me but not wash my clothes.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

@mick_collins @Subversivo @fediverse @fediversenews

I'm not familiar enough (or at all) with C#, but AFAICT, it could make an instance more stable, as firefish and misskey have struggled with handling a decent amount of users and C# could be a faster system for the server.

Also, a re-write sometimes is a good thing. And, developers have different preferences for languages, so having a C# project around enables C# devs to more easily contribute to the fedi.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

@Zagorath @Teppichbrand

And to really get it you have to have been a vulnerable commuter (cyclist etc) in an encounter with a car where they've clearly just not seen you and will kill you if you're not constantly on the look out for such things.

Despite being well informed about such things I was still shocked my "first time" as I watched a car just turn into me like I wasn't there while the driver was looking elsewhere.

cars were already a problem. Weaponising them with tech hype is toxic.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago


Lemmy federates pretty well with mastodon. From mastodon you can follow a community as you would any person/user.

There are two major problems though.

  1. everything in that community comes through as a flat firehose, including comments. There's structuring into posts with comments inside.
  2. Mastodon doesn't understand the type of object lemmy sends over ActivityPub, and so simply provides a title and a link to the original post.

Also, you can just follow lemmy users on mastodon.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

@technology @caseynewton

That search/SEO is broken seems to be part of the game plan here.

It's probably like Russia burning Moscow against Napoleon and a hell of a privilege Google enjoy with their monopoly.

I've seen people opt for chatGPT/AI precisely because it's clean, simple and spam free, because it isn't Google Search.

And as @caseynewton said ... the web is now in managed decline.

For those of us who like it, it's up to us to build what we need for ourselves. Big tech has moved on

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)


Some, maybe many, hope for the decentralised model of the fediverse to “take back the internet”. Each time a commercial platform “enshitifies“, there are then calls for the fediverse to replace it with a federated alternative, in part to take advantage of the moment of user agitation.

But, IMO, resources and financial support are a touchy topic in the fediverse. If such has lead to a mismatch between ambition and opportunity, and, capability, that may be worth addressing.


The fediverse won’t succeed at putting up a #Stackoverflow substitute and that’s a problem?

Just an impression: All the pieces seem to be there. But what’s required is a team, with devs, PMs and coordinators, dedicated to making a particular place in the #fediverse .

That’s resources and decently sized financial and organisational demands, especially to get a critical mass of users.

Is the fediverse up to that challenge? If not, is it an issue worth addressing?


[–] 4 points 4 months ago

@weirdwriter @ajsadauskas @lemmyreader

Yes, forum platforms too (incl #nodebb of course).

I do get the (very vague) impression discourse is focusing on integrating well with masto to a good extent and so might not integrate too well with the other Reddit/forum platforms. If true, that might be a good enough reason to start with another base. OTOH, it’s a familiar platform to many devs so adapting it for stackoverflow like use could go well right?


Nice demonstration of why mastodon's dominance is problematic

See the conversions here:

AFAICT, mastodon's decisions, which are arguably problematic (on which see: are literally trickling down to other platforms and infecting how they federate with each other as they dance around mastodon's quirks in different ways.

It seems like masto is ruining "the standard" with its gravity.

#fediverse #mastodon

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Reflecting on the firefish/calckey "moment"

which was about a year ago now, I can't help but suspect it was a small event with wider implications on the dominance of #mastodon in the #fediverse

I think it was the last chance to direct the twitter migration energy into discovering new/different fedi platforms.

And it was blown, with alt-social in a weird steady/waiting state that's smaller I suspect, than what many hoped for.

#firefish #calckey




People are actually on BlueSky

There's now a decent measurement of #bluesky user numbers ( ...

They've got about 1.6M MAUs ...
& 0.8M Weekly unique users & 0.340M Daily.

That's not nothing!

Roughly double mastodon and 60% more than the whole fediverse (by MAUs, see

Bluesky is quite "international" with large Japanese and Brazilian popltns, and there's real attrition happening IMO.

Still, let the protocol wars begin I suppose?



Plugins for fediverse platforms.

Where is this up to? Is anyone thinking along these lines?

I've seen @db0 espouse such (eg (sorry for the tag if annoying).

I've certainly thought of it myself ... because it's a pretty obvious idea for an ecosystem aiming for richness and sustainability.

Seems a perfect fit for reusable moderation tooling too, rather than each new platforms having that trouble.

This is essentially #bluesky 's idea it seems.



The "No CGI" dynamic around films is odd and reveals, IMO, that mainstream anti-tech sentiment in capitalism only flies as a consumer's affectation.

I didn't know about this apart from the usual under-appreciation and under-paying of VFX staff.

But then the "No CGI is just invisible CGI" series ( and this clip about the Barbie behind the scenes *hiding the bluescreen by filling it in* ( ... reveals a profession is being smothered.



Not knowing US constitutional law, it seems to me the SCOTUS decision might mean that the Dems missed an opportunity when they had the house

That it’s a federal matter seems legally predictable/natural to me, and that it then falls to congress to enforce then also seems natural.

What am I missing on that?

Otherwise, what would the Dems have had to lose by passing an act when they had the house? The 14th was right there.



Performance reviews are just employers controlling the narrative when employees are underpaid

If you underperform, brutal negotiations ensue … prove your value or the deal is off.

Buuut, if you’re overperforming, you get gold stickers and praise, and the possibility of a pay bump through a process controlled by the employer …

instead of you telling the employer that *they* have to prove their value or the deal is off.

Instead over performing then becomes the expectation.



Mastodon CVE Report

Didn't expect the mastodon CVE report/account would kinda end up being about platform diversity on the fediverse (TLDR: only mastodon really had the problem, which was huge)


#CVE #mastodon #fediverse


The Fedipact statistics are interesting

7% of active users committed to #fedipact -

* How representative of the user base is this, or are admins gatekeeping here? A large survey would be good to clear that up.

* EG, Mastodon, relative to its userbase, seems the most "Meta friendly" with only 57% of fedipact users (but ~80% all users)

* Fractal of niche-dom? Fedi ~1% of social media, fedi-pact ~ 10% of fedi. So anti-meta-fediverse ~0.1%?



Decent Decentralisation

Good counter to the focus on protocols.

> a protocol needs to achieve two things: it needs to prevent the accumulation of power imbalances between parties … and it needs to make it easy for users to cooperate in building the the rules they want for how the protocol's operation affects them … the success of decentralisation and … of a democratic digital world **rides not only on liberation but also on organising**.


By @robin


Mildly notable social media moment for me watching a Dr Becky video on YT.

In listing her "socials" she's got #TikTok , #Instagram and #Threads (and of course #youtube ).

link below

Is this the new central axis of social media?

Which is funny cuz I've never really been to *any* of those. No accounts and only visited IG a few times because something else linked there for some information.

Also, I didn't really notice Threads was succeeding.


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