I know everyone shits on win11, but just 10 minutes of setup and it works absolutely fine
I know everyone shits on win11, but just 10 minutes of setup and it works absolutely fine
He's so annoying, of course he did that lol
I haven't played symphonia, i only have done abyss, berseria, and whatever the newest one was.
I just remember the games taking so incredibly long to drive the plot. One specific one in abyss I think, was like you were in an Inn with your party member having a convo and she's about to divulge a major plot point of some kind, then a dragon comes and attacks the inn for some reason and you never finish the conversation for like hours later.
I immediately wish the Tales Of series of games had this. god that game is so incredibly disrespectful of your time when its telling you its 'story'
shut up lib. jesus christ.
Its incredible this ragtag group of people managed to produce a game that runs so much better than its contemporary games. Like compare it to Ark, and for godsakes, the ARK 'Remaster' which is somehow worse than the original. Ark had like 10 years to optimize and they can't get it done.
just fyi, the 'removed externally hosted image' thing is a safety feature to prevent externally hosted images from finding out which IP addresses are downloading them. Its a custom feature of the official hexbear frontend; other frontends probably wouldn't be doing that.
I believe next lemmy release will have native proxy support for images so it should be removed after that is done.
I don't get any... Possibly because i'm on Google Fi, which blocks known spam calls automatically.
to teach hexbearians how to block a comm
You posted at a good time, I'll add it to the release tonight.
Yeah the apps i can't really defend. For those you just have to find alternatives i guess. Unless your work forces them on you.