
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

I mean, yes! But I don't really think ordinary object manipulation (like what we can already do IRL) counts as using the superpower.

The way I see it, it applies to things like telekinesis, or manipulating the mass of an object (making things lighter, or heavier), or even something as out of the left field as "manipulating gravitational lensing such that I can see things clearly". It can even be used in such a way that it can be lethal, such as "make someone's blood dense, and have them suffer a heart attack as a result."

The superpower is actually that OP in the sense that aside from the limits I've put (and the modifications we've agreed upon), only one's imagination is the limit.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (9 children)

That's basically it, lol!

Like how a DM of a tabletop RPG group would be like "interesting, but how can I make it more interesting and limit abuse at the same time?"

[–] 23 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Granted, but your thoughts are transmitted to the person looking at you.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (11 children)

I mean, that'd still make it somewhat OP, I think.

Though to be honest, your approach is similar to what I actually came up with as a consequence for a different superpower (time-space manipulation--which I think is a lot more energy-intensive), in the sense that it'd take energy from the least important part of the body to the most important.

However, I suppose just having the energy requirements already limits a lot of the OP potential of the superpower (can't just summon a black hole, lol!), so I think your changes are quite reasonable.

So, yeah! Let's go with your modifications.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (13 children)

I wasn't really thinking much about it, tbh, but it's more along the lines of "cell burns glucose to create energy", or "random photon hits skin cell, making it slightly warmer," or in the more unfortunate circumstances where the random part of the body is, say, a brain cell, it could have not much choice but to "spontaneously undergo nuclear fission."

It's me trying to cover my ass, tbh, and make things more interesting by just not going "E=MC² thus things go boom!"

I suppose you can go use the power safely most of the time, but there's a chance that something important might go off in the most unfortunate way.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (17 children)

Cool! Every time you manipulate gravity, your body loses mass in addition to and proportional to how much energy is needed to do the manipulation.

Which part of your body loses this (additional) mass is totally random. It could be your fat, it could be your brain tissue, it's all random. How the mass is lost depends on what is the most likely way it'd be dissipated.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not just the architecture, but also the possible logistics of such an event. Who'd contact John Oliver's PR team, for example. What about the scheduling? Also, while I think people here are good-natured enough that it might not be necessary, who'd be making sure that the thread responses (the questions) don't violate any community and instance rules?

I may be overthinking it, but such a huge event would involve a lot of coordination from many different people.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago


Way too much trust has been lost for me to even consider going back to that place.

Even if they completely remove and ban Steve Huffman and his family, fiends or even acquaintances from any and all company and/or subcontracted positions, completely overhaul all their positions and replace them with trustworthy people (sucks to be them, but they know what they're getting into), add all the requested features overnight including and especially the accessibility features... I still won't consider going back to them.

They will need to exert a huge amount good faith effort over a span of a decade to earn back my trust, if they're at all capable of doing things in good faith.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

This is my thought as well, it's not so much as deferring as it is offering them an incentive to migrate. Having a "seal of approval" from the corresponding subreddit also helps in attracting more activity from those who are part of the migration and on the fence about contributing.

I've never started a community here, nor do I intend to, but if I were in that situation, I'd at least reach out to my counterpart subreddit.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Yes! For example, his "no javascript please" stance, which is unfortunately nearly impossible to follow if you're to have any semblance of normalcy in browsing the internet, I take as an "ideal to aspire for". If anything, his warnings against Javascript reminds me to be ever mindful of the code I invite to run in my machine.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I’m aware that Richard Stallman had some questionable or inadequate behaviours. I’m not defending those nor the man himself. I’m not defending blindly following that particular human (nor any particular human). I’m defending a philosophy, not the philosopher. I claim that his historical vision and his original ideas are still adequate today. Maybe more than ever.

This is really an important note. I've always maintained that while not every little one of Stallman's ideas are gold, his ideas on things he's got expertise on (especially open-source software) are pretty much on point—even if his ideas are a bit too idealistic and are seen as aspirational ideals rather than calls for action and the fact that a lot of them are painful for ordinary people to follow.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've never really been much of a poster, so I've only managed to earn roughly 6.5k karma (shared across a few accounts) in my almost a decade in Reddit.

While it feels nice to have that feeling of validation upon seeing my response being invited, I didn't really feel going out of my way to be more active for some reason.

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