[-] mhague@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

What I don't understand about the handlers thing is that when I watch other famous people walking and talking: I see their handlers steer them, give them signals, whisper names in their ear. And you know what? Celebrities in their prime look awkward all the time. People who have nothing to worry about but their craft and being famous screw up all the time.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I don't see how what conservatives say has to do with reality.

Biden has been "senile" and "too old" for years now, during which time we've had a functioning Biden administration.

The Trump admin was limp, chronically understaffed, weak, ineffectual. That's what they're pretending is better than Biden. Conservatives don't even care about senility so if you hear them rag on Biden and think they're right, you're not understanding what they're really saying.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

It's cool to see McLaren's progress like this.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 56 points 2 days ago

Damn, I guess I'm going to ignore years of evidence that Biden's admin can function just fine and go with my feelings on this one. I mean would you vote constructively if it meant getting over yourself? Of course not. We're Americans. We want a leader with a good jaw, not with good character or good ideas.

Nah but seriously though. Biden and Trump make me feel bad so I'm going to vote in a way that harms the country. That'll show us.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Memes According to Garp

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I meant that if someone made multiple replies within some time threshold, similar to how 'this post has been edited' works, the board could automatically join them into one post, maybe with a little indication that it's concatenated. You could even make it config option for users.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

Why walk when you can ride?

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 136 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

He says there's no antisemitism in his close circles, as if that matters, but it's also a lie because he himself backed a "Jews are trying to replace whites" post on Twitter.

Also, he said he was Jewish by association because he has a lot of Jewish friends. Different brand of ridiculousness from what the headline implies.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 113 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Aston Kutcher, a celebrity famous for his philanthropy, says a man guilty of two rapes should have his charity taken into account.

In other words: A man with excess money, and who gives some of that excess to charity, says a person's charity should balance out that person's crimes.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 126 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Search results are dependant on who is searching. But still:

When you use DuckDuckGo the first result is wikipedia.

When you use Google the first results are corporations.

When you use Bing the first result is a corporation, then Wikipedia.

Brave search gives an AI summary of carbon capture, an investment page, one of the corp pages, and then a breakdown on why 'carbon capture' is a misleading tactic.

Edit: All this to say, maybe stop using Google.

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 133 points 6 months ago

The article draws most of its facts from a tiktok video of a person saying they found X, discovered Y, heard Z from Facebook.

The link that says "businesses team up with bots" links to a tiktok video.

They reinforce the idea that people figured this out because people said it was happening in India, on Facebook.

I wonder if there's any smoking guns?

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