[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 3 points 8 months ago

It's this end of tipping culture?

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 9 points 9 months ago

That's kind of what is happening with Kim DotCom. He's been in New Zealand for years and never set foot in the US, but he is accused of conspiring to distribute pirated material that belongs to American corporations. He supposedly broke US law, while in New Zealand, and has never been to the US.

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 2 points 9 months ago

The link works now, but doesn't show the goal

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 10 points 10 months ago

Not sure if you saw the news, but the BBC are experimenting with their own Mastadon instance. They can probably afford to host video.

I understand that many instances are run by volunteers and hobbyists. But that doesn't mean that a business such as BBC couldn't come and host their own instance.

And I don't think I implied that you wanted to ban video. I just want to see video integrated natively into Lemmy so that instances can turn it on or off. A Youtube link is no good. I don't like being rickrolled.

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 3 points 11 months ago

The Deaf Community uses sign language which can only be captured and distributed as video. Many Deaf people did not have a good education, therefore their English is not at a level to be fluent. Their first language will be Sign Language. My first Language is Sign Language, but I am also fluent in English. I was privileged to be able to have a good education, thanks to my parents who supported me and made good choices for my educational needs.

Now, back to the point about video in posts and comments. I would like to see an opportunity for a Sign Language instance. There may be funding to cover the cost of storage to allow this, but this can only be a reality of video can be implemented natively.

Other instances can choose to turn this feature off? Let there be an option 👍

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 6 points 11 months ago

For the Deaf Community, their first language is Sign Language. I am Deaf myself, and I am privileged to be fluent in English, however I cannot say that my Deaf friends are also fluent in English. Many of them have the English level of an 8-year old (because of their poor education) so writing in English is not "Deaf-friendly"

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 18 points 11 months ago

Any plans to integrate video into posts and comments natively?


Are we able to post videos or images in the comments? I know that you can post a video in the post such as a sign language video, but are people able to respond with a video comment in sign language?

This will be a big deal breaker for the Deaf Community. At the moment the only option for many Deaf people is to use Facebook.

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 18 points 11 months ago

The World Cup could be referring to so many things!

We have the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023, Mens Rugby World Cup 2023, Netball World Cup 2023, Mens Cricket World Cup 2023. And there's probably more.

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 2 points 11 months ago

I don't really watch more than 2 hours per day. Sometimes I just watch the 1 episode, and if I've started it earlier enough, then I might be able to sneak in another episode before I get into bed.

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 21 points 11 months ago

I've generally stopped watching movies because they're too long. I prefer the shorter episodes of TV shows.

Every now and then when I'm in the mood for a movie I'm looking for 90 minute movies. Otherwise I doze off

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 2 points 11 months ago

I think this problem could be partly solved with the option to curate your own feeds. Currently I am using Connect for Lemmy, and I see 3 feeds, Subscribed, Local, and All. It would be good to be able to create a new feed and populate it with content from specific communities.

And going even further, I should be able to make my feed public, so other people can subscribe to my custom feed too.

Maybe this is already an option with some of the other Lemmy apps?

submitted 1 year ago by misterharbies@lemmy.nz to c/soccer@lemmy.ml

Have been seeing plenty of old news articles popping up here. Is this someone from Reddit trying to undermine Lemmy as a source for up-to-date football news?

[-] misterharbies@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 year ago

I think many instances have updated their Lemmy version.

Clear your cookies and cache for your Lemmy instance, and it should work.

I've just done that myself after reading another comment about it

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