[-] philthi@lemmy.world 12 points 2 weeks ago

That's last pane is essentially an eve online screenshot

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 14 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I noticed how many of the verbs in English can mean different things depending on what word comes next, e.g.

  • Put
  • Put down
  • Put up
  • Put upon
  • Put on (wear)

English has so many words that mean the same thing, it's amazing, astonishing, bewildering and flabbergasting, there was a thief, mugger, robber, bandit... Who stole, robbed, nicked, thieved from me... I don't know how anyone ever learns all the English words for stuff, I honestly don't know how I have.

It also made me reflect on how languages are just noises we've all agreed to make at each other. The rules try to match the language and fail, not the other way around.

Recently I was also thinking about how interesting it is that some words we use are SO OLD, and we just... use them like it's no big deal, but if we we're transported back thousands of years, people were still calling vanilla something very similar to vanilla and arteries something very similar to arteries, and that is super cool to me.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

I'm almost certain this is pine, the grain lines are very spaced apart, suggesting it was grown very rapidly too, so probably not a very old table.

submitted 1 month ago by philthi@lemmy.world to c/dadsonly@lemmy.world

Hello dads,

I'll be a dad myself shortly, and it's entirely planned, we discussed the idea and then worked towards making it happen. My wife is over the moon and loving the whole process and I'm struggling to see it as a positive change. All I'm seeing is more bills and tasks.

I want to be excited and enthusiastic during the pregnancy (and of course afterwards) but I'm struggling to see this as a positive change for our next - at least - 5 years.

It's causing some stress between my wife and I, when really I'd much prefer we were bonding now in preparation for the stress our relationship is going to need to endure after the baby arrives.

I guess this is partly just venting, I feel like anyone I know that I might say this to, would think I'm a bad person considering it was entirely planned and now I'm not feeling it after its too late to undo, but if anyone has some ideas on how I can focus more on the positives (I do see them... watching their personality growing, seeing the world from their fresh perspective, a sense of investment in the future, etc. I just struggle to focus on them) of this and less on the incoming bills and sleepless night and relationship stress, so my wife and I can bond, it'd mean a lot to me.

I'm also concerned that I'm seeing the baby as a problem instead of a... Source of joy? and that this might mean I don't really have a natural parental instinct, so I won't love it like I should, but instead see it as a series of chores and costs and problems.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 10 points 3 months ago

Or to quote Terry Pratchett:

Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day; set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Hello everyone,

This is my first post here, and I just want to share a small achievement. I find often that if I drank alcohol yesterday I'm much more likely to drink it again today, and yesterday for the first day in around 2 weeks I had no alcohol, this is making it much easier to have none today.

Anyway, that's all, and it's not a big deal I just wanted to share it.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 14 points 5 months ago

I'm sorry to correct you, but it's actually nipped in the bud. I'd hate for you to use that in public and get egg on your plate.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 25 points 5 months ago

I know this is completely unrelated, but I think I'd actually find it impossible to get to 11:50 in the day with only 7 steps. That's a one way trip to the toilet...

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 24 points 5 months ago

"no, car go road" would be better in my opinion.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 27 points 7 months ago

I suppose in reality it's the average of people who post pictures online and are willing to display it publicly, and probably weighted slightly by how many pictures of a person are uploaded (e.g. if someone has uploaded tens of thousands of pics of themselves - a celebrity or whatever - they will throw the average slightly towards their own face). Assuming the sample set is something like: all of social media photos of a person's face.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 17 points 7 months ago

"i can see right through you and your lies"

"That's just one facet of my personality"

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 17 points 8 months ago

Full disclosure, I am not a vegan.

However, I do know that not all plants we eat die as a result of being eaten, for example, eating apples from an apple tree does not kill anything - I suppose I can see that this is like eating eggs from a chicken.

Another example could be eating the leaves of rocket lettuce (but choosing not to uproot it), or the stalks of celery or rhubarb is another example, in both cases the plant can return to complete health over time.

Then there are some plants, such as grasses that require the ends of their blades to be eaten in order to be healthy.

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

I like it! But I'd rephrase it to:

Why don't zombies eat clowns?

Because they taste funny

[-] philthi@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

Metal gear solid was brilliant.

Then wipeout 2097.

Also, does anyone else remember the Music franchise of games on PS1?

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