[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 10 points 7 months ago

A friend of mine got asked if she had a boyfriend. She asked back "why that question". It was to know whether she would be likely to get pregnant and miss work.

What a horrifying mentality some companies have

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 8 points 8 months ago

They are not making them more efficient. They are studying how to make them more efficient. It's a really big difference because I am not yet ready to place my life in the hands of a CNN-based AI

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Program easily and efficiently. Not having to wait 5 minutes for a window to come. Fast boot/reboot times (less than 10 minutes). Native support for many things without having to install them. Installing is usually as easy as running an apt-get command. Not having to kill update processes because they take 100% of your disk bandwidth and starve all your other apps.

Windows feels like an ugly and sloggy system with a ton of duck tapes. Only reason I use it on my gaming laptop is for games.

Linux on the other hand just works. Nothing fancy, but it's just what someone who wants efficiency needs.

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 10 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Sorry if I missed it, but do you have a specific example where the proposed help was denied by the maintainers? A case where they clearly acted against it such as a merge request denial, prematurely closing the issue or explicitly telling contributors to not contribute on that?

I see there is an issue here: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3275

This issue was too large so lionir asked it to be split and linked two related issues like https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3662

So far I am not seeing anything like maintainers refusing the help - but perhaps this happened in private side channels or something like that?

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 12 points 9 months ago

From the AMA you linked it sounds like the Lemmy maintainers are just two and are unable to deal with all the missing features. They made it sound like it might stabilise in the future and they are still trying to make it scale.

I read their reply as this : there are many things to implement and moderation is not a priority compared to other features. Do you know if someone made a PR about adding more moderation features? Was it accepted or turned down?

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 12 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's true especially in gaming circles.

There are big misconceptions about game development jobs. People tend to think that implementing X or Y feature "surely can't be that hard". They have absolutely zero experience in game design or game programming and yet they take on such a condescending level when you read their posts.

Programming is hard. Balancing is hard. Developing a game while you have a whole player base against you is hard. The game industry is most infamously known for its crunch times and high turnover rates. And yet players do not respect that.

Whenever a game gets released at all, it's such a ton of work that have been done. Even if the game turns out to be not as fun as people wanted. Or even if there are bugs. In fact, i am sure that half of the people that complain aggressively will never do something that impressive in their life, ever.

We should be in awe and respect our fellow devs because this job is one of pure passion.

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 8 points 9 months ago

But the application does not ask you whether or not you find the woman attractive

It asks you whether you want to "smash" her. The same word could be used for a sex doll recommendation application. That's objectification

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

It is literally part of Beehaw rules to be nice to each others, cf this excerpt from beehaw rules:

If you aren’t nice, we’ll remind you to be nice. If you continue to be problematic, we’ll escalate from there, but it will be on a case-by-case basis. If your first reply when we ask you to be nice to each other is to tell us to “fuck off”, we will respond in kind.

It is also part of the rules to not be transphobic, cf

we simply do not tolerate intolerant behavior. Being explicitly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in any other fashion is not tolerated here.

If you find a transphobic post and you feel that you are unable to reply nicely, the correct course of action would be to report said transphobic post.

If you are not content with this rule of "be nice" I'm afraid Beehaw is not for you

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

You could edit a comment to predict the past, and then link it to someone to say how right you were all along but no one listened

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 13 points 10 months ago

Any game that requires regular playtime is a nope for me now. I switched to games that you can put off easily - games that are playable under a fixed amount of hours and that do not require dedication.

Typically right now i am playing Dark Souls on twitch - I can turn it on, play a bit (even just 30 minutes) then put it down easily.

I also switched to board games - my SO is not into video games but she is into board games so we can enjoy that together. We are playing Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion right now it's a blast

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago

It was a reasonable to assume OP frequently purchases food

You specifically mentioned avocados and meat. I know some people who only buy local food and do not buy meat. Your reasoning would not apply to them.

[-] potterman28wxcv@beehaw.org 11 points 11 months ago

You make a point. If we were to relive the 90s both technology-wise and before corporations put their hands on it (so, assuming plenty of websites done by users), I am sure there would be quite a few websites filled with hate, racism, xenophobia etc..

It's not just the corporate greediness that changed. It's the mentality as a whole. We live in a stressful time period where being aggressive towards other people is more of a norm than, say, creating genuine content with lots of colors because that is cool. In the 90s I feel like people were just enjoying life and did not have to worry much. At least, that's how I perceive it. Even piece of arts like music or movies felt more genuine and happier.

But the author also makes a point that corporations certainly did not make it better.

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