Very few plastics can be recycled properly. The whole plastic recycling symbol stuff is really a love letter to the American Plastics Council.
Kind of funny since he's currently running against a current vice president.
In 2029 it will be Dementia Don: Full Dementia
I'd love to see Linux folks figure out easy ways for consumers to replace the on board OS's for any TV out there. Can that be done?
Great soundtrack!
There's a powershell script to do this.
In the old days of using UNC paths a lot we found ourselves saying whack whack server name whack share name. Then forward slash was just slash.
That's not an answer to my question. And typical of the other responses.
This is the best argument that anyone here has made. So in November I have the choice of Trump, who I believe will make the Palestinian situation worse, Biden who I believe is slightly better but as the lesser of two evils, a third party which is throwing out the vote without ranked choice voting, or not voting. Three of those options help Trump.
Mars Needs Morons