Thanks for showing your true nazi colors
I don't support any of the US funding for Israel. My whole point is that if Trump was president that it would be worse than it is now. Biden should absolutely fucking stop. Again, the point of the meme was to divide the left so that it makes it easier for Trump to be president.
There's a phrase that all elections are local. So yes, local elections matter. Republicans recently focused a lot of effort on this and that's why we have a ton of state laws restricting abortion access. Both federal and state matter. Thanks for the comment Trumper.
Rank choice voting is already in place in some local elections. It needs to spread further for it to be effective, but it's going to be the only way to make real change happen. Your last comment is what gets people into very stupid situations and takes the lives of innocents that you claim to protect.
It's a US problem, not specifically with Democrats. But the meme was meant to disenfranchise voters trying to equate the two parties. On some issues, Israel/Gaza, I'd tend to say that they are both horribly on the wrong side of history. But on other issues Democrats are on the correct side. Only when we get ranked choice voting will we have the ability to have a different voice of reason.
You made my point for me. The example I gave with Bush/Obama was whataboutism intentionally to show how invalid it can be. My original point still stands. If the meme had a US flag then it'd have been more accurate. But it was specifically blaming Democrats even though congressional funding is ultimately what funds Israel.
Why, because I'm challenging your thinking? There's not a good option for the US presidency, but there is a lesser of two evils. The whole point of the meme is not to show that the US government is complicit, but to specifically blame the Democrats. 'Hey people who would have voted for Biden. He's just like Trump. Don't vote.' If the meme had had a US flag then it'd have been more accurate.
That's exactly that the meme is implying. The whole point is that the meme wants to disenfranchise voters. There's only ever going to be two parties where voters can choose the lesser of two bad options until we get ranked voting. So vote for the less bad person and get ranked voting enacted. Then we can have a better democracy. Fuck no, I'm not complacent in genocide. Why would you assume that? Not another dollar should go to Israel. But that's not the only issue to vote on. Personally I align more with the Greens, thanks for asking.