[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 1 points 5 days ago

Much better, very good detail 😅

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 17 points 4 months ago

"Threads had 3 app downloads yesterday, easily beating X's 1" — you're right, doesn't sound as sexy 🤔

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 23 points 5 months ago

*chuckles in Google*

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 21 points 5 months ago

~~Don't be evil.~~

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 28 points 5 months ago

And support Facebook while you're at it! 😣

I know Apple isn't much better, but Oculus selling out to Zuck instantly guaranteed I would never buy their products.

submitted 6 months ago by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/writing@beehaw.org

Sorry if it's too off-topic 😅

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 24 points 8 months ago

From Wikipedia:

"Meta" had been registered as a trademark in the United States in 2018 (after an initial filing in 2015) for marketing, advertising, and computer services, by a Canadian company that provided big data analysis of scientific literature. This company was acquired in 2017 by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), a foundation established by Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, and became one of their projects. Following the rebranding announcement, CZI announced that it had already decided to deprioritize the earlier Meta project, that it would be transferring its rights to the name to Meta Platforms, and that the project would end in 2022.

So, they bought it through their (non-profit?) foundation and killed it to harvest the name?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/boardgames@feddit.de

Hi all,

I'm looking for some suggestions and hoping you might be able to help me out.

Quick backstory: My 7-year-old has ben getting really into Uno the past few weeks, so there's always a deck lying around. Always looking to test new ideas out, I've been experimenting with how a game of patience/solitaire might work if played with a deck of Uno cards, and I've actually come up with a few simple rules that work, while retaining the nature of the Uno cards (so far had some interesting test runs with Klondike and Pyramids).

While playing around with these "Unotaire" variants, I've been getting that feeling of something creeping up on me; a game idea, just over the horizon, but not quite close enough to make out yet. It's like being able to taste a new card game, without having it in your mouth yet (if that makes any sense).

As this unknown game is still mostly unclear to me, let me try to describe how it "tastes":

  • It's something you can play on your own, not unlike Solitaire.

  • It has its own deck; it's not played with a regular deck of cards (and it might have more or less than 52 cards).

  • It probably has no other components than cards. You pick up the pack, remove the cards, place them just like so, and you're off.

  • It might be able to somehow tell a story. I've been thinking a lot about Reigns (the mobile/video game) here — simple decisions lead to big consequences further down the line.

  • Like Reigns, the game is somewhat linear; you might start with the cards laid out, in something akin to some Solitaire pattern, and you try to make it through to the end and "win". You might pull it off, you might not. Much like Solitaire.

  • I can't stop thinking about Tarot. 56 "standard" cards in 4 suits (minor arcana), and then the 22 suitless major arcana cards. Tarot also has various patterns/spreads (3-card, 9-card, celtic cross, wheel, etc.) in which you lay out the cards, and some set rules as to how to "read" them (and then, of course, massive amounts of subjective interpretation from the "reader"). Not suggesting a fortune telling component, just that the "flavor" of Tarot cards makes sense to me in this context.

  • If it's possible to piece this thing together in a way where it can also be played by 2 (or more) people, that would be grand.

  • The game doesn't need to be quick, but it wouldn't hurt if it was fast paced; Hmm, I'm stuck! Deal out 3 cards from the draw pile, flip them over real quick, look at the top one, Oh this means I can do this... and so forth.

The main thing here is the variability of the deck; shuffle the cards, and you will have a fairly unique adventure. Same framework as your last game, but the path will be completely changed. Maybe the story will be capable of varying wildly from game to game as well. Or maybe the story needs to go away.

And the Solitaire aspect of the thing, meaning having to lay the cards out in some specific way, which creates the "path" you need to navigate in order to win (not a literal path).

My problem is that I don't really know any games that come close to this genre. The only thing that comes to mind is The Lost Expedition, but that has a lot more components and mechanics than what I want.

The might also be some deck-based dungeon crawlers out there that are worth a look, but I haven't found them yet.

I'm hoping some of you might suggest games to look at for inspiration, mechanisms that might deal with driving a story without any components beyond a deck of cards, and just general thoughts.

Thank you for any and all feedback and/or suggestions! I'm looking forward to (hopefully) hearing from you 😃🤘

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/fedditdk@feddit.dk

Super spændende forløbsbeskrivelse af hvordan østrigske Mario Zechner (@badlogic@mastodon.gamedev.place) fik nok af regeringens tomme løfter om et "kig på dagligvarepriserne", og på 2 timer havde første version af en prissammenligner stykket sammen, fangede mediernes opmærksomhed, gjorde den relevante minister til grin, og afslørede meget sansynlig stiltiende samarbejde (†) omkring priserne.

Jeg har selv været lidt skeptisk omkring den nuværende inflation (greedflation?) af dagligvarepriser (††), og samtidig super frustreret over udbredelsen (måske nærmere eskaleringen?) af 'shrinkflation' (†††). Men det er vildt svært at regne ud hvad man skulle kunne gøre selv, både fordi man måske - som jeg selv - ikke er programmør, og fordi man ikke ved hvor man skal starte.

Enormt forløsende at læse om Marios (overvejende) succes på området (med ministeriske benspænd, selvfølgelig...), og der er allerede mange forks af projektet for at tilpasse det andre landes indkøbsmuligheder (har dog ikke fundet en dansk fork endnu).

Tænk hvis vi kunne få adgang til den data for Danmark! Men ak, tror det kan blive en smule svært at genbruge dette projekt, da vi stort set ikke har nogen supermarkeder der er online, og jeg ikke ved om man overhovedet kan få adgang til deres API (et krav for at HeissePreisse kan fungere).

Så vidt jeg kan se er der kun:

Kan også være Danmark er for lille til at man overhovedet ville kunne gøre noget hvis man fik dataen, men synes tanken er interessant. Er der nogen af jer der ved om den slags data er tilgængelig (næppe, men skader ikke at spørge)? Andre idéer til hvad man kan gøre, om noget?

Er desuden også interesseret i hvordan man kunne forsøge at tackle overemballering og unødvendig brug af plast i emballage i dagligvarer - sig endelig til hvis der er nogen der har hørt om nogen projekter på det område!

. . . . . .

Update 1

De tre butikker jeg nævnte har alle en API, men to af dem bruger POST uden den relevante query i URL'en, og ser ud til at det er ud over mit niveau at tilpasse koden til at kompensere for dette.

Den sidste bruger GET til at snakke med sin API, med søgningen synlig i URL og det hele, men jeg får nogle fejl når jeg kører den tilpassede kode, og indtil videre har jeg ikke fundet en løsning.

Tror jeg prøver at skrive til Mario for at høre om han har idéer til hvordan man kommer ud over de to issues. Umiddelbart ville det hele være nemmere hvis der bare var en enkelt fil per butik man skulle tilpasse, baseret på en simpel skabelon, men det er ikke helt tilfældet.

Hvis der er nogen der har lyst til at give det et skud er det Nemlig.com der lader til at være den bedre kandidat, selvom jeg tænker at det må være muligt med alle tre.

Det er måske også værd at nævne at selvom der er tale om offentligt tilgængelig data ved jeg ikke om butikkernes TOS brydes, og der dermed kunne være juridiske konsekvenser.

. . . . . .

Hovedlink er en roll-up af denne Mastodon-tråd: https://mastodon.social/@badlogic@mastodon.gamedev.place/111071396843370282

Projektet på GitHub: https://github.com/badlogic/heissepreise

. . . . . .

Stiltiende samarbejde / koordinering: jeg kunne ikke finde på en bedre oversættelse. Fra den originale tråd:

"...tacit collusion, meaning, oligopolic price coordination without explicit coordination."

†† Relevant artikel om inflation/greedflation fra Cory Doctorow: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk (pluralistic.net)

††† Shrinkflation (også kaldet 'downsizing'): inflation der skjules ved at mindske varens mængde/indhold, typisk uden at ændre på emballagens størrelse, og stadig sælge den til samme pris.

Eksempel: Kleenex Balsam box:

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 18 points 9 months ago

Friendly reminder that Brave CEO donated to Prop 8, Brave was founded with seed money from right-wing-fanboy-billionaire Peter Thiel, Brave injected their own referral codes into links, Brave replaced page ads and injected their own, and tons of other delightful shit.

Brave has proved time and again that they're only trustworthy as long as whatever scheme they're working on isn't found out, and I can't imagine that there is any chance their search engine is any better.

If someone recommends Brave to you, you should ignore them, because they are wrong. Brave Browser is a mess of a software project, and the company building it is even worse.

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 25 points 9 months ago

Danish restaurants have won World's Best Restaurant 6 times in the past 13 years (with an additional 5 placements in 2nd and 3rd place, combined, since 2009), but granted, that doesn't say much about Danish cuisine in general 😓

Still, it has to count for something, dammit!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

See, only took a second! (an ADHD rant about how posting this song cost me 2.5 hours of my life) 🙄

Song starts at 3:45, btw 🤘

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 16 points 9 months ago

My wife and I actually met on OkCupid, happily married for 8 years now, and dated a few years before that, so safe to say I haven't been there in 10+ years.

Sad to hear it's gone down the drain, it seemed the least vile of the available options 😓

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 19 points 10 months ago

It probably wouldn't work, but I've been wondering whether it would be possible to use the shareholders of publicly traded companies against them in these situations.

I've seen people mention that companies are obligated to maximize profits for their shareholders (might not be true everywhere, and my knowledge on the subject is extremely limited).

If there was data available for a given company that showed that profits were increased during a period where a substantial part (or all) of the employees worked from home, and then the company starts forcing the employees back to the office, could the board not be called upon to force the company to keep people in work-from-home-mode? Would the company not be obliged to do that, to maximize the profits? It seems to me that this would be in the best interest of the shareholders.

submitted 10 months ago by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

Really liking this new cut from The Hives, and the video is absolutely brilliant 😅

It was directed by Aube Perrier, and I highly recommend having a look at some of his other stuff.

One example is the rather wonderful video for Harry Styles' "Music For A Sushi Restaurant", and most of his other stuff is equally good 😊👍

[-] renard_roux@beehaw.org 30 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Any chance on some context on this for someone who doesn't follow tech closely enough? I know who Linus is, and what LTT is, and I've seen a lot of stuff these past few days about the community being angry at them for all sorts of stuff, but who is Madison? And what did they allege?

Edit: Never mind, only had to scroll two posts in my feed to find the answer. For others out of the loop: ex LTT employee Madison Reeve alleges toxic work environment and sexual harassment.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

My kids (4 and 6) were in charge of music during our morning routine today, and happened upon Radiohead's 'Paranoid Android'. Very picky listeners both, the song got a surprising full playthrough (no small feat at a length of 6:23, or ~24 attention spans!), resulting in one very proud parent.

It got me in a bit of a nostalgic mood, the memories of 'OK Computer' releasing in 1997 flooding back; for those of you who weren't around at the time, or maybe weren't at an age where you were hit by the full force of this groundbreaking album, it was a really, really special period.

I couldn't help thinking that this particular experience was something my daughters would never be able to have, and it's something I could never explain to them; I don't remember the particulars of my life at the time, apart from basic stuff like where I must have lived, what school I must have been at, and there's no putting into words the deeply personal feeling of being, well, me at that moment.

It's more like a taste you can almost, but not quite, recall, a scent, an ambiance amalgamated from every single impression you got from being alive at a certain time. I don't know how to convey that to others, and I'm not sure it's possible.

Anyway, it prompted me to go check if there was a documentary or similar about the release of 'OK Computer', and I found this gem. For those of you who were at just the right time in your life in 1997 for this album to have made an impact, I hope this takes you back in the best of ways.

For me personally, 'OK Computer' was like having my brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick; an aural Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, if you will (1997 also happens to be the year that the leather-bound, guilt-edged omnibus edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy" was released, which I promptly purchased and subsequently swore to never lend to anyone, having lost all previous copies of the books to forgetful and/or careless friends; but that's another story).

Watching this documentary certainly managed to scratch my nostalgic itch. Good times. I'm curious to know what the rest of you think of the video, should you manage to finish it 🙂

J is for Journey (beehaw.org)
submitted 11 months ago by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/creative@beehaw.org

I make collages and word posters from vintage and retro illustrations and images in the public domain. Here's my latest piece, 'J is for Journey'.

Had a lot of fun making this one, a lot of good words that begin with J 😊

submitted 11 months ago by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hi all,

I'm a big fan of having ebooks read to me while I'm doing stuff that prevents me from reading them myself (driving, working, doing dishes, etc.).

I've been using Evie on my Android phone for a few years now, and while it does what I need, the interface is a bit cumbersome, and I wouldn't mind a better alternative.

Evie offers paid Amazon TTS, which I neither like nor use, but also has free support for Google's TTS service (~~not sure if this is his API or just using built-in services on the phone~~ — looks like the voices are Android TTS voices), which I've gotten very fond of. I've logged 200+ books like this in recent years, and I'm very content with the quality of the voices (I use en-us-x-tpc-network).

Ideally, a FOSS ebook reader would support Android TTS, as well as controlling playback/reading speed. Does anyone know of such an app? 🙂

Incidentally, I was always "annoyed" that the only way to get money to Evie was through the Amazon TTS subscription, which I don't need or want. I'm a recent update, they added a new feature: paid background sounds to accompany your story, such as "rain", "train ride", etc. I bought them all, just to show my support, and actually ended up using one of the background rain sounds for the last book I went through, and quite enjoyed it. I think this is a very nice way for an app to allow users to spend a bit more to show their support; paid, non-critical features.

Also, just now discovered that they actually have a "donate" button 😅 Sent a few more $ their way.

submitted 1 year ago by renard_roux@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

I'm a huge fan of changing playback speed when playing videos, and finally got fed up with the cumbersome interface in the official YouTube app on Android (as well as the ads...).

I thought I read that there was a shortcut or gesture that would do it, but can't get anything to work 😥

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