
joined 1 year ago

Hopefully at least one was a dog.

Nice tip. Definitely worth trying out for 20 bucks.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That was really interesting and informative. Thank you that comment.

Those are great but I recently switched to these. They are a little more expensive but they come with three different filters for different decibel levels.

Well, here I go watching that ten times in a row again

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

According to that diagram, the dog is in the trunk.

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Man, I love Asher Perlman. He's what happens when you take New Yorker cartoons and make them actually funny.

[–] 25 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I think the Mel Brooks scene is satirizing old Hollywood's habit of casting whites in the roles of poc. Plus, I don't see how a yiddish speaking native could be offensive to anybody.

That is the most important tool in my kitchen.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

I substituted a knife for the spoon and I feel like it still came out ok.

I like this take but it relies on a critical analysis that isn't going to occur to most people. Most people aren't even aware up the word's racist origins.

I think calling it cannabis helps distance it from it's illegal past. There's a lot of more conservative people out there that still think of "marijuana" as something dangerous and criminal that is used by disreputable people. I think calling it "canabis" will help shed that negative connotation.

For the record, I call it "weed."


Hamlet with beer


It's the only safely razor I've ever used and it has proprietary blades. I wondering how they compare to other blades and if it would be in my interest to switch to a different razor. I know some people are going to say go Feather or go home but what about other available options?


I have my feed set to hide posts after I've scrolled past them but it seems once they are gone they're gone. Is there a way to see things you've hidden if I want to revisit a post?


I need a break from news in middle east and added some keywords to filter out but it doesn't seen to be working.

To clarify, the words should be comma separated, no?


Show NSFW toggles just fine but blur quit working at some point


Boost for reddit had a "history" feature in the lateral menu showing all posts that you clicked on.


Right now images in the comments are fixed to the thread width and I can't open them or zoom in to see detail.

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