
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 5 days ago

Brandon Sanderson writes amazingly rich fantasy stories an created wild lore heavy worlds in his books. But his books are also behemoths with thousands upon thousands of pages that require some serious time and commitment to read. Maybe not the best for beginners to start getting into fiction.

I'd recommend the Harry Potter books because they start easy and get more mature with each book. Also the story and lore is widely known and liked by a lot of people.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is actually a pretty hard question. At first I couldn't think of any show but the more I thought about it the more came to my mind.

I narrowed it down to these three:

  • MAS*H
  • Hogan's Heroes
  • Dinosaurs

Not because I'm so old but because they where first aired in my home country in the early and mid nineties when I was at my granny's place a lot of afternoons.

Later I moved town, kinda lost touch to my grandma and wasn't really there when she got very old and then died.

Looking back it's really sad that I wasn't there for someone who spend a whole lot of my childhood with me and in fact was always there for me.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That was me a while ago. Removed pretty much all mods and finally finished the game. All in all it was a great ride but in the end the game was kinda dragging (finished Phantom Liberty first than last quest of main game) and I'm glad it's over.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

There's also the Vorwerk Tiger. That's a whole nother beast of a vacuum cleaner

[–] 5 points 1 month ago


He is said to have told police he had climbed the building to visit a person he knew.

"I thought I had ended up in a B&B, saw the book and started to read it."

Im not sure whether this guy really is a burglar or a troll.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

That's the German way! 😁

[–] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

und alle Wohngelderhöhungen landen direkt in den Taschen der Vermieter.

Wohngeld ist auch echt die absurdesten Vermietersubvention, die es gibt... Ich begreife einfach nicht, wieso diese "Sozialleistung" nicht durch einen wirksamen Mietendeckel ersetzt wird.

Okay, klar, dann jaulen die privaten Wohnungsbauunternehmen, dass sie bei gedeckelten Mieten nicht mehr gewinnorientiert bauen können. Oh no!

Nächster Schritt: Gemeinnützig orientierten Wohnungsbau direkt fördern: Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften und kommunale Wohnungsbauunternehmen subventionieren und die private Wohnungsbauwirtschaft aus dem Markt drängen.

Dass Genossenschaften erschwinglichen, guten Wohnraum bauen können, zeigen sie z.B. hier in Hamburg schon seit Ewigkeiten. Ist natürlich nur viel zu wenig um die Nachfrage zu bedienen...

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

New motorcycle, tetraplegia.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

But how is this a sad story? Babies grow so fast that they easily can skip a size... Am I missing the point?

And, wouldn't this be the real sad story? "For sale, baby shoes, too big"

Implying that the baby died before it could grow into said shoes?

[–] 33 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Seeing this video I am 100 % convinced that break dance battles are the most wholesome form of direct competition. These two athletes treating each other with respect and fun while competing against each other for Olympic gold ist just amazing.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Womit der Mod im Einklang mit der Gesellschaft agiert, welche solche Themen ebenfalls unterdrückt und schwerstleidende Menschen dahinsiechen lässt um sich nicht mit ihnen auseinandersetzen zu müssen.

Naja, so schlecht ist es um die Beschäftigung mit dem Tod und Suizid in DE nun auch nicht bestellt.

Ich arbeite in der Behindertenhilfe. Wir unterstützen schwerstbehinderte Menschen dabei, ein möglichst selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen. In dem Arbeitsnetzwerk, in dem ich mich bewege (von Assistent:innen, über Pflegekräfte, ehrenamtliche Seelsorger:innen, Palliativdienste bis zur Landesärztin für Körperbehinderte), ist es völlig normal, über Tod und Suizid zu sprechen und sich aktiv damit auseinander zu setzen. Bei allen, mit denen ich in den letzten Jahren zu tun hatte, war immer klar, dass, wenn einer unserer Kunden den Lebenswillen verlieren sollte, dieser dabei unterstützt wird, eine Exit-Strategie zu finden.

Auserdem ist in Deutschland der assistierte Suizid seit dem BVG-Urteil 2020 nicht (mehr) illegal und dieser wird auch von Hospizdiensten vollzogen.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

That's a fair point and I agree with you that it's difficult to enjoy soulslike (I am referring to the game's I played. I'm sure there are exceptions) in short bursts.

But I don't know whether this is because of their higher difficulty compared to the games you mentioned (which I didn't play a single one of) or because they're overall slower games.


Wann kapiert unser Verkehrsministerium endlich, dass die Bahn nicht wie ein Wirtschaftsunternehmen funktionieren kann und darf sondern dass es Teil der öffentlichen Infrastruktur ist und damit Kriterien wie Gewinn und Verlust irrelevant für die Bewertung des Erfolgs sind...?

Wie soll die Mobilitätswende auch nur annähernd gelingen, wenn die Bahn 10 % der Mitarbeiter raus wirft?



Well it's in the title... They were growing great but in the last days or so the leaves started wilting. They always showed some yellowing and I thought about nitrogen deficiency so I fed them with slurry but without success... Any tips?


Ich bin wirklich schockiert und angeätzt.

Hier in Hamburg kenne ich den Gesundheitskiosk im östlichen Stadtteil Billstedt.

Billstedt und das angrenzende Horn (wo ich arbeite) gelten als eher wirtschaftlich schwach; die hausärztliche Versorgung hier ist zu gering.

Dementsprechend hat sich in den letzten Jahren der Gesundheitskiosk Billstedt gerade für wirtschaftlich schwache Menschen mit chronischen körperlichen und psychischen Krankheiten zu einem festen Bestandteil der gesundheitlichen Versorgung entwickelt.

Diese Projekte als "nicht notwendig [...], sogar [...] schädlich " zu bezeichnen, halte ICH schon beinahe für zynisch...


Hey community,

this is probably very specific but I try anyway:

I am planning on building my first DIY NAS and found this motherboard BKHD 1264 NAS.

You can buy it from AliExpress under the brand name "Topton"

It ticks all the boxes and is not that expensive. The only thing that looks sub par is the cooling. I am aiming for a silent build and these small fans aren't exactly silent most of the time.

So I consider changing the heatsink to something more confidence-inspiring and relying on good case fans.

My question: Does anyone know where I can find heatsinks that might fit this mount??

Edit in April 2024 for those who are looking for this specific board:

I bought the board and it's running my homeserver now. In general it works very well, the performance is good, it is stable (no crashes or any hardware hiccups).

The biggest downside is that fan control doesn't seem to work. The board has a CPU_FAN and a SYS_FAN header, both 4 pin but both headers seem to run at full speed all the time even though BIOS offers some basic fan control settings. I don't know if this is because of my incompetence or an error in BIOS but if you're looking for a silent build with case fans, this may not be your board.


I am currently playing Original Sin 2 with Fane as Scoundrel-Necromancer damage dealer, Sibille as Water-Air glass cannon, Red Prince as Warfare-Pyro-tank and Beast as Warfare/Earth-tank.

The builds work. I pretty much finished Reapers Coast without problems, but they are also very... dull... I don't feel like they combo very nicely.

Does anyone have fun / silly builds combinations to share? They don't have to be very performant but they have to be fun to play.


According to this article, the next release by Larian will again be a Divinity game, but they announced that it definitely take some time because they need some creative pause after releasing Baldurs Gate 3. Also I think they need plenty of resources to support the current release for the next time.

Do you think the next release will be the announced turn based strategy's Divinity: Fallen Heroes?

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