I genuinely think shit like this is what promotes antisocial behavior in children. As in clinically antisocial, not just a synonym for introverted.

Children learn hundreds of new words and new things every week. That’s their entire purpose in life at that age.

Deliberately lying to them about how basic reality works for extended periods of time is likely what causes the neural short circuits of religion and conservatism.

[-] theareciboincident@lemmy.dbzer0.com 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

They are objectively better insulation than polyfill lmao. Anyone that’s ever worn real down in actual conditions that require it would agree.

You had an argument in the ethical right and then threw it all away with ridiculous hyperbole.

The US lives in a weird food bubble where they eat absolute cancer inducing garbage and pretend their Cheetos Asbestos Blasted Quattro Dioxin dinner is somehow better lmao.

The US allows all sorts of fucked up processing steps and ingredients that are straight up banned in Europe.

Every time an American leaves the country they gush about how good the food in (destination) was - but they only ate tourist trash the whole time.

Like they genuinely don’t realize it, it’s incredible.

[-] theareciboincident@lemmy.dbzer0.com 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Ahhh, and the self report comes out - as it always does.

defending a right wing think tank

uses a false definition of DEI to strawman against it

having no idea what Marxism is

Nice try, fascist! That shit doesn’t work on intelligent people. Only yall.

I bet you fancy yourself as one, eh?

I’m hearing a lot of OG Homeworld fans turned off by this one.

Instead of retaining unique charm, they spent a shitload of money on generic video game story #6 and generic wet-looking cutscene render #4.

Simultaneously, many core gameplay mechanics were dumbed down and made more palatable for the masses.

It’s a tough pivot to make, but what else are fans of the genre gonna play hahahah

vote for the lesser of two evils that somehow gets more evil every four years

Fucking THANK YOU for saying this. I’ve struggled a lot with this rude awakening, that liberals will put on a smile and pretend they’re good people while stabbing you in the back.

You can see it in their responses, they just hysterically repeat over and over - “how could you possibly not like Biden, are you some kind of fascist? Look at the enemy!!!”

Meanwhile they continue to let fascists pillage the nation, commit open terrorism, attempt a violent overthrow of the government with no consequences (who called off the national guard? Who set skeleton crew police lines? Who GAVE TOURS TO FASCIST GROUPS BEFORE THE COUP? who was texting locations of congress members to the mob?).

They talk so much about how Biden will fight Trump.

What the fuck were Democrats doing during Trump? Laying back and enjoying the donations rolling in.

Oh waah the blues had no majority waaaah. Funny how there’s always an excuse why Blues couldn’t help the people while Republicans could be outnumbered 2:1 and still shut down the government on a whim.

Imagine being such a loser your idea of the perfect “you” is being a servant at the beck and call of another fascist

Guess the whole “cuck” thing was projection too

Imperceptible to someone completely ignoring history and the world around them, sure!

The concept of state sponsored police in the US originated in slave hunting gangs. The US never changed since the beginning.

To your point though there is an incredible amount of brainwashing. Your average North Korean is less brainwashed than Americans, at least they know what other countries have.

Americans think they are the last beacon of civilization and the developed world is in ruins when it’s literally the other way around lmao.

Mate are you seriously saying System of a Down is a non political music act

They fumbled a (bigger) bag with this whole dungeon master Joel meme. This will be the last straw for many.

The player base is tearing itself apart with conservatives getting genuinely furious about the Creek incident and team-killing participants on sight while everyone else just wants to have fun playing the game.

With things like these you need to lean HARD away from the idiot fascists in all media out of game. They did not, and are reaping the consequences.

[-] theareciboincident@lemmy.dbzer0.com 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah that went out the window when American corpos found out during the pandemic they can literally just keep raising prices for shittier product and Americans just… keep buying it

Welcome to the end of human society, we’re just getting started. Should have chosen a birthdate a few decades earlier, too bad!

unironically hero worshipping literal nationalists

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