[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago

LAs Totally Awesome is apparently the best. Not available in Australia though.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

It's that brighter dot to the right of the reflection.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

That's not true. You can get a gun licence pretty easily in Australia. Anyone that passes a police background check can get one. Yeah it takes 6 months but that's probably a good thing as well. You can't just make an irrational emotional decision and get a gun.

Also the storage requirements are quite strict. You have to have a proper gun safe to own a gun.

Then it's only single shot rifles and some pistols. We also have no public carriage. You can only move guns around from point to point, not just casually carry them.

It makes access to guns very hard for the average person. Yeah it doesn't stop organised criminals having more dangerous weapons, but organised criminals aren't going into schools and massacring people.

Strict gun control has been a really positive decision in Australia. Those who want to go hunting, still can, but kids, teenagers and crazy bastards have a very hard time getting them.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

This is a left wing echo chamber. Get those alternative views and ideas out of here.

You parrot the narrative talking points or GTFO.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It's a short sighted argument to say baddies don't follow the rules so your only restricting honest people.

In Australia assault rifles and automatics are just outright banned. You need a licence to own any type of gun, which takes 6 months waiting for background checks to be done. Guns must be kept in Safes etc.

So whilst a baddie might want to get an assault rifle and go on a kill rampage he can't. There just aren't any around. You can't break in to a house and steal one.

Can organised crime get them? Sure. But that's not what this is trying to stop. It's preventing the impulsive bat shit crazy person going on a rampage.

It absolutely helps, as proven by Australias lack of mass shootings.

People who want to go hunting still can.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

Seems pretty easy to control though.

Once spammer is detected, you just ban them and the account that invited, all the way up a down that invite tree.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

Twitter made a small profit in 2018 and 2019. They lost money in every other year.

In fact the year before Musk started ranting about buying it, they reported their biggest loss ever.

The company was a disaster before and after Musk.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

I have a fucked knee but it has nothing to do with my personality.

I just can't run.

I still try when I play with the kids and end up limping around for a few days.

I don't really understand what this image is implying.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

I get up at 4am on days I have to go to the office. Driving an hour to work at 4:30 sucks but it's better than driving 2 hours to work at 6:30.

On Fridays I either have the day off or have to work 4 hours, alternating each week.

I get up at 4am on the working Friday and finish at 8 exactly like this guy suggests because it feels like I have every week being a 3 day weekend.

It is shit cramming a full working week into Mon-Thursday though. My employer implemented the 4 day work week if we wanted. You still have the work the hours though, so it's quite shit.

I know quite a few people just went back to working 5 days to shorten each day.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

100% a scam.

No one is ever getting a product from this.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

I can. Have a meeting in Citrix and I happily work while people yabber on in the background.

The real killer is the face to face meetings. My group supervisor now demands anyone in the office on a particular day go into his office for the team meeting. That's a real time waster.

People online can't hear us properly standing around in his office. Can't get work done while standing in there.

Just let me work from home so I don't have a bunch of people wander over to me to ask stupid questions during the day.

If you want something send me an email and I'll get to it when I have time. Walking into my space, making me take my noise cancelling headphones off so you can yabber at me and break my concentration is so annoying.

I'm untouchable at home. I work until I need a break, then quickly sort questions and queries, then get back into my groove for another hour or two.

[-] uglyduckling81@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

It's gone now but for a long time we had a 24hr fruit shop.

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