[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 8 points 1 week ago

Eh, j'la connais celle la ! J'ai reçu une lettre similaire il y a une semaine du candidat Ensemble de ma circo (avec mon nom écrit au stylot et tout). Sauf que le candidat NFP en face n'est même pas LFI donc son message sur "JLM premier ministre bouh !" marchait quand même beaucoup moins bien ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 13 points 1 week ago

AI may have its uses, but the easy counterpoint to your argument is to look at FTX at its peak and where it is now (bankrupt). The stock exchange is the exact opposite of rational, and is terrible at estimating the use one can get out of tech.

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 10 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Basically, Les Republicains (Trad-conservative right wing) is the descendant party of De Gaulle, chief of the French Free Forces and probably the most iconic french figure in WW2. This party has an history with fighting fachism, so this twist of position (which is not that surprising from the guy that proposed it) goes against the party's tradition and heritage (ironicly).

It's been making headwaves here, and he does NOT have the support of his party in this endeavour. If someone were to speculate, the more likely outcomes of this decision would be a party splinter or even the death of the party itself (considering that since 2017, they've really lost a lot of their electorate whose moderates went to Macron and extremists to Le Pen) than an alliance with Far Right.

Though honestly? There's been so many twists in the past two days that anything's possible at this point.

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 7 points 3 weeks ago

Honestly (that's just my personal opinion but) with the way he's been acting in the past few weeks after polls gave Far Right far ahead of his party, Macron's been looking more and more and more desperate. He tried debates between his PM and the Far Right candidate, made a big speech 2 days before the election to plea against far right (a speech in which were pointed out his many contradictions), his PM intervined out of the blue in a debate between each party's lead EU MEP (most awkward moment in a political debate I've ever seen, denounced by every journalist union).

His popularity has been dwindling (with reason) since 2017 and only won the 2022 elections by virtue of not being far right (and the people refused to give him majority in the parliement in exchange). In the past two years, he's been enacting austerity measure after austerity measure several of which with zero approval, bypassed parliement to get them into law, and barely avoided having his governement destituted (by parliement) by the skin of his teeth. And you know what's worst? His austerity measures didn't even 'save public finances' because following each of them, he gave additional tax breaks to companies, which means our budget deficit is in a worse shape than it was in 2017.

Long story short, he's been playing stupid games for the last few years, and the stupid price is that Far Right is now the first party in France and nobody has a clue on how to get them down bar them completely failing at ruling.

(Of course it isn't just his fault that Far Right is on the rise, but he IS a pretty big cause)

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 9 points 1 month ago

idk most politicians are a threat to the environement like AI (if not even more so with their moronic laws)

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 7 points 1 month ago

More or less, yes.

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 9 points 1 month ago

To my knowledge, this hasn't been the case for nearly a decade, after the backlash they received specifically for it.

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 5 points 2 months ago

I don't see why France would need more, considering they have 290 nuclear bombs, and are fourth after the US, Russia, and China.

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Oof. And that would have been such a good law too...

Then again, with a name like FDP, their actions just conform to their patronym (at least in countries with a language based on latin).

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 17 points 5 months ago

That's great news! Always hated those paywalled research papers and greedy publishers who get away with freaking 100% royalty. Hopefully other organisations will follow.

[-] unautrenom@jlai.lu 8 points 6 months ago

In which case the ban should have happened upon sharing not recording. I mean if it isn't clear that the records you make of singleplayer offline games are published online, then banning someone for what they record feels more like moral policing than anything else tbh.

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