submitted 1 month ago by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/21246628

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by -Emma-@fedia.io to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Hi, I'm Emma (she/her).

So, long story short:

  • I am lonely

  • I wanna befriend some local LGBTQ+ people here in southeast Louisiana

  • I can't send/receive direct messages to/from Lemmy users with this Mbin account, but I have a Lemmy account I can use if necessary

About me:

  • I'm a 90s kid

  • I'm a trans girl

  • I began transition, including HRT, January of 2023

  • I suffer from OCD

  • I'm a Linux nerd, kinda

  • I use PureOS on my Librem 5

  • I use QubesOS on my Librem 14

  • I use pfSense on my firewall/router

  • I'd like to think that I'm somewhat good at writing

I'd love to meet some LGBTQ+ people, but I don't know how. The only support group I've found is exclusively online via Zoom, and only Facebook users are allowed. As a privacy and security obsessed person, I'm totally excluded, and I just feel so trapped right now. I want to meet people offline, and I just don't know how.

And I'm really sad right now thinking about how much I love the friends I've made online in the past few months and how I feel so isolated from them.

It hurts to post this, but I feel that I must. I don't expect to find anyone, but I have to try.


DMs between Lemmy and Kbin/Mbin still do not work, so here is my Lemmy account:


submitted 1 month ago by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by Grail@aussie.zone to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

As a general trigger warning, the first section of the post shows some examples of the content Meta is ignoring: transphobia, homophobia, etc.

submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by guillem@aussie.zone to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

It was a huge thing for me when it was released, due to my discovering queer activism around the time; and I think it was a huge thing, culturally speaking, for many queer people in many countries.

I rewatched it yesterday but of course through the lenses of nostalgia, so I wondered if it has aged well, if it resonates with the younger people...

submitted 2 months ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Not long after the 1994 film became a smash hit, the titular bus disappeared. Where did it go? Who had it? And could it be recovered before it was too late?

submitted 2 months ago by Reach@feddit.uk to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

PinkNews examines five key takeaways, concerns and questions following the publication of the Cass report into trans youth healthcare.

submitted 2 months ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
Ally in training... (lemmy.socdojo.com)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Hey all,

So I'm looking to take an active step here to understand better some things that my straight/white/cis/middle-aged male brain has had a tough time wrapping itself around, particularly in the gender identity front.

I'm working from the understanding of physical sex as the bio-bits and the expressed identity as being separate things, so that part is easy enough.

What's confusing to me though is like this. If we take gender as being an expression of your persona, a set of traits that define one as male, female, or some combination of both then what function does a title/pronoun serve? To assume that some things are masculine or feminine traits seems to put unneeded rigidity to things.

We've had men or women who enjoy things traditionally associated with the other gender for as long as there have been people I expect. If that's the case then what purpose does the need for a gender title serve?

I'll admit personally questioning some things like fairness in cis/trans integrated sports, but that's outside what I'm asking here. Some things like bathroom laws are just society needing to get over itself in thinking our personal parts are all that special.

Certainly not trying to stir up any fights, just trying to get some input from people that have a different life experience than myself. Is it really as simple as a preferred title?

Edit: Just wanted to take a second to thank all the people here who took the time to write some truly extensive thoughts and explanations, even getting into some full on citation-laden studies into neurology that'll give me plenty to digest. You all have shown a great deal of patience with me updating some thinking from the bio/social teachings of 20+ years back. 🙂

submitted 2 months ago by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by NoOnesLazyInLazyTown@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Queer people are getting their rights violated and removed in real time, and now we have ppl from all across the political spectrum arguing over a flag I have never seen before.

At this point, I'm convinced that the flag is an intentional psyop designed to sow division in the community over colours on a rectangle to distract from actual issues.

submitted 2 months ago by chuso@kbin.social to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

This research studies how the idea of "child protection" has been historically misused as a tool for discriminating against gay men, portraying them as a danger to children. Over time, this argument evolved into subtler claims as it became less effective and faced greater rejection from the general public due to increased public acceptance of gay men. At the same time, the most overt claims now target trans women in a manner reminiscent of their past use against gay men.

submitted 3 months ago by rozwud@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Having a great time in New Orleans; here are some photos from the Gay Easter Parade!

A little update (beehaw.org)

O used to make a lot of posts here a few months back detailing my journey and just letting y'all know I'm doing well :3

Mainly moved to other fedi sites but I hope this space helps other ppl :3

Y'all are such a cool community

Also turns out me girl lol :3


CW for descriptions of sexual coercion and harassment.

(screenshots not mine)

Back in June 2022 when Gays Against Groomers was still at its infancy, Arielle Scarcella was exposed as a groomer by two of her alleged victims (both trans).

To this day, GAG still hasn't addressed the issue or cut ties with Scarcella.

Why? The reason is very simple: because the story doesn't fit the narrative they're actively pushing.

submitted 3 months ago by Ashtear@lemm.ee to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
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Beehaw currently maintains an LGBTQ+ resource wiki, which is up to date as of July 10, 2023.

This community's icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

founded 2 years ago