That's right folks the year is drawing to a close so it's time to rehash last year's bit, nominate, and vote for your 2024 Hexies! These are the Hexbears you think exemplify what it means to be a real Hexbear 
Here's how it works:
Pick from the below categories
Nominate someone for that category by tagging them
If you are nominated respond to the nomination to accept it
Most upbeared accepted nomination in each category wins!
What do you win? The esteem of your fellow Hexbearian comrades of course. What more could you want?
The categories for this year's 2024 Hexie awards are:
Best Effortposter of 2024
Most likely to be called a tankie on a blocked instance
Most comradely Hexbear
This year we have a special bonus category to commemorate some of the new comms we added:
- Best bad poster (this is not the worst poster, this is the best poster that is bad at posting)
We got a lot of new posters this year and have a lot of great comrades visiting from federated instances, feel free to participate too! We love all of our great posters, don't we folks?
Alright comrades that's it from me, be sure and do your democratic duty and
for your 2024 Hexie winners and congrats in advance to the winners of this highly coveted and prestigious award!
And for one small trip down memory lane, here's last year's Hexies!
This bit was fun last year so I hope folks enjoy doing this bit again this year too, as a bit though
spoiler spoiler
Tankiest response ever.
But I second @frauddogg, per linked comment. nothing personal comrade, I simply agree with that poster's nomination.
Didn’t age well
Any idea what happened with them? I'm sad because they said nice things about my poem and recommended I check out a music thing that I was gonna come back and check out but now its gone.
Did they leave because we're all snitches and tolerate snitching?
edit: pronouns
They had yet more friendly fire calling more POC people settlers and then admitted they were in the US army and got in a fight with someone from a country the US invaded
"ten toes down" then fucking dips off being called out for one misstep.
This is the problem with boosting mufuckas. Too much pressure to "be that poster" I guess. We all post cringe.
Still that's an epic fall from grace. smdh. I'll still miss the cracker whacker.
the problem with them being so instantly aggro and always assuming the worst of people and taking arguments extremely uncharitably was that they were constantly attacking POC communists and yelling at them as if they were white reactionaries.
I'm Arab-American and they got into a fight with me because I said Syrians who support Al Qaeda taking over Syria are comprador zionist idiots, and they* said I was 'talking over POC from the region' or something and called me a cracker and blocked me. I was taking the hard line anti-colonial position and anti-American position. They were just confused and flailing.
Also, I'm sorry you got treated like that. I dunno how long you've been on this planet but Arab-Americans have had a fucking rough go of it once the GWOT kicked off. I'm sure that's barely improved today, likely getting worse again and I don't even know
Far out that sounds hectic. I'm glad you and yours are okay. Hope you didn't lose family and stuff. Sorry your parents chose the Imperial Core lol. (jk, maybe you enjoy it there. Some Americans are alright.)
Yeah, can't treat anyone like a monolith, every population has the potential to split and rip each other to shreds it seems pretty constant. It's a shame though.
Ah yeah. I gotchu. I want to overshare some overlap with my situation but that'd be an even bigger opsec fail than accidentally finally letting slip what type of furry pet I have in a thread yesterday (whoops!) lol
Yeah I should probably delete this :)
I aint gonna tells you whut to do but yea. Maybe.
I think this is a very low risk place to be an internet commie but it's good to just stay on your toes imo.
god damnit I'mma fucken cracker and even I know this shit, it's 101. (okay maybe it's like 201)
Homie wasn't paying attention. That's like, pure just kneejerk reaction without any analysis or.. shit. I don't even read much but yeah, "theory" lol.
I'm just pissed they deleted even their most benign posts like it was frickin "go time."
I really wanted to get a music recc they'd given me the day before and hadn't looked up yet.
It's interesting how we (and others, even before they left) kept accidentally using the wrong pronouns, always male pronouns, with them. I dunno, Z, maybe it's a net gain. That sort of off the cuff aggression without even basic fact checking or a hint of charity towards fellow posters really isn't this site's vibe.
Dare I say, wrecker shit?
Thanks for filling me in, I honestly for a hot narcissistic minute, thought it might have been my fault for trying to mediate the FOIA requester's treatment by them and a couple of other posters who I do really like and almost always agree with on things, but once people get in their snitch jacketting shit it's all performative savagery like we've all taken omerta or something. Some mufuckas gotta get a grip I stg.
edit: I didn't finish my thought about the pronouns thing. It's the lack of humility, the alpha dog aggression, all that shit. I know this is a problematic observation but yeah, for someone likely obscuring their gender for "opsec" purposes they didn't do a very good job of blending in with the community. Our tendency to boost people who post hard must make it very hard for some personality types to just concede when they fucked up and apologise. It's not hard to do. It's one of the most useful skills for anyone to learn. There's a whole lot of alternative explanations for it than just "that's quite standard issue masculine behavior."
I just woke up, I should probably come back later and edit/delete some of this stuff. It's been on my mind tho. Hopefully if anyone sees this and recognises the fact that I'm doin a stereotypes will call me out to pull my head out of my butthole. It's all irrelevant anyway.
I did use the incorrect pronoun, you're right that's my bad. I've corrected it.
Yeah but I'm just saying it was a regular occurrence with that user. Not sure I ever saw them take off on someone over it the way they do over their assumption the other poster was white. You know?
I wasn't trying to call you out, but obviously it's best practice to fix that shit up. Maintain our posting discipline n shit.