Mistress I’m sorry. I do think your forcefem has been very good so far. Really loved the coerced estrogen regimen and the flip flopping between gentle encouragement and psychological manipulation. Plus the derelict basement has this grunge feel to it that really adds to the vibe. But unfortunately I’ve gotten the offer to be kidnapped by a pretty millionaire which I can’t refuse. Yes she has money for more elaborate and elegant dresses. Yes she can afford to put me through non-consentual surgery. And if I’m going to turn into someone’s pet girl against my will then I might as well be going all the way, so that’s an offer I can’t say no to (literally I can’t, she won’t allow me). Yeah I’ll be leaving the basement tomorrow. Yeah she will send her own group of mercenaries which I will mistake as cops rescuing me from my plight, only to find myself in her mansion going through a new kind of feminising hell. Don’t worry though! I will always remember our days when you broke my psyche and left me to pick up the pieces, finding less and less of me to put back together!
Slaughterhouse 5