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Oh my God here we go lol
Thanks, Obama!
Boba! Why you so angry dam lol I want y'all to be friends 🧡
Lol sound a little sassy yea 🤣 but honestly it's hard to not read lemmy content in that tone if I'm being straight with you lol
Especially in political communities
You're always really calm in here man that's good. But idk how you do it lol
Trump was never of any service to the country. He has only ever been a problem, and has only ever served himself.
Are you saying that you reckon an ex-president, who commits any crime (before, during or after serving) should still be protected by the SS?
Including convictions for murder? Extortion? Rape? Child rape?
Jokes aside about the SA, sorry SS, protecting one privileged group of individuals...
At what point should an ex-president lose SS? Is it forever just because they held power? What happens if they start to suffer dementia and start blurting out secrets?