Dude probably has no idea how to properly handle a gun, AND he has a permanent secret service detail.
This has zero impact on his life, other than politically.
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Dude probably has no idea how to properly handle a gun, AND he has a permanent secret service detail.
This has zero impact on his life, other than politically.
Here's what the same gun group said about Hunter Biden using a 2A argument in his case. The judge denied the argument.
that's right, that Hunter Biden, who, despite his father's long standing and well known disdain for the second amendment, is now turning to the exercise of his rights to shield him from prosecution. "Rules for thee but not for me" eh Hunter?
Now this don't make a damn lick of sense. If we need guns to protect ourselves from gubmint tyranny, and y'all plan to put that feller back in the gubment, then what the hell does he need a gun for?
This sounds like undigested talking points being regurgitated in a warm mental vomit stew, with lots of little chunks of everything in there.