Hell world (hexbear.net)
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[-] g_g@hexbear.net 18 points 1 week ago

no, see, here's the thing... how does every single one of these look WORSE than the slop Dall-E spits out??? why don't they just have the ai make the thumbnails instead of this???

[-] AlicePraxis@hexbear.net 14 points 1 week ago

it looks worse in the sense that it's an obvious photoshop where the subject was badly composited into the scene. AI might not have that same issue but would look worse in so many other ways like generating weird blobby nonsense

AI also probably won't do a good job at making someone's exact face unless you train a model on lots pictures of the person which takes time, effort and knowledge of how AI works. it would actually be a lot more difficult to get a passable AI result than just slapping a picture of your stupid face on a background image

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

There's IPadapter for SD models which only requires a single photo at runtime, though I don't know exactly how strong its adherence is. There's also training a LORA which would only require a few images and take maybe a day at the most, which would be an easy investment of time and resources for someone who wants to churn out tons of images with that one face on them. And of course there's the simplest method of all: just crudely pasting the desired face into the image and then sending it for a low denoise img2img pass to make the inscrutable machine integrate it into the image better.

That level of extremely basic and rudimentary technical knowledge is probably beyond the influencers themselves, but certainly not beyond whatever flunky they pay to maintain their brand like that, at which point it's probably self-preservation and not wanting to create an automated process that can replace themselves that stops them from using that approach.

this post was submitted on 16 Jun 2024
145 points (100.0% liked)


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