"Son, a good woman is like a deep-fried chimpanzee: rare, surprising, and certainly not what you expected, but somehow, she keeps you coming back for more."
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Posts and discussion about the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Hugo Award-winning author Zach Weinersmith (and related works)
New comics posted whenever they get posted on the site, and old comics posted every day until we catch up in a decade or so
"The screams may be funny, but the hair gets caught in your teeth."
I hate every woman I see, from woman-A to... what again?
Anyway I'm a ~~misogymnast~~ ~~mysogingo~~ I hate ~~deep fried monkeys~~ women.
The reason you are having trouble with this is your taking it as a metaphor, but in fact it is cooking advice, Makes a lot more sense now doesn’t it?
Batter the fuck out of them first?
Deep Fried Chimpanzees would be a good gorillaz parody band
Another ~~postcard~~ deep fried chimpanzee 🎶
He better be explaining this one seeing as it's a simile
Explaines easily by examining what is really in his pipe