To discuss how to grow and manage communities / magazines on Lemmy, Mbin, Piefed and Sublinks
Tangentially, there is also !, although that is dedicated to discussing the Loops platform, not for sharing the actual content.
New rapper name
I think this is the best name. We need to have more funny community names.
It might be better as a display name than a community name. I only say that because as much as I like funny community names, they can unintentionally reduce and obfuscate community's visibility and purpose to newcomers.
If one wants it to be easily found, arguably the best community names may be either shorts or clips, followed possibly by shortvids. The display name however can be as playful as one might want, as I think frontends/apps rely on the community name when searching over the display name.
Now for the worst name, in either respect, you might make it microvlogmemes, or microvlogs, neither of which I think I've ever seen or heard anyone use anywhere. I can't even remember the last time I heard or read anyone else mention a vlog, so yeah, may be technically accurate but awful otherwise.
That was harsh 😅
works, but it feels a bit technical and sterile?
could also work
Just ShortForm
!ShortFormVideos is what I instantly thought. !ShortFormShares feels less formal. As an idiot, I might click thinking you are talking about the stock market, but once I saw a bunch of videos in the community it would be obvious to me what it's about
Perhaps MiniVids?
Subsidiary question, how do you share videos, is it possible on Lemmy now?
I can't share images bigger than 2MB 😰
That is an instance specific limitation.
Yeah I know, but it also seems to be a pictrs limitation, I have fiddled around a bit without success on my instance.
Post them to another host (realisticly, probably YouTube) and then post the link to that.
Well that won't show up as a video on Lemmy or will it?
Depends of the interface. Mp4 show up correctly on the Web UI
If you post the file to somewhere you can directly link to it (I.E. it will show up as one. That said, I don't know of any hosts who allow sharing of Video content this way. Some clients also embed YouTube properly, and I wouldn't be suprised if PeerTube worked too, but I have yet to see anyone directly try and post PeerTube content.
On desktop, if you link to an mp4 file hosted somewhere, it embeds the video in the post, just as a picture would be embedded.
How does this post appear to you?
There is just a link.
Edit: I'm using Connect.
brevi (abbreviated)
terse terrse
crisp qrisp
Length limit? inb8 inb120
Reddit had YouTubeHaikus, which were short (often less than 15 second) videos. If you’re focused on short-form videos, then “haiku” at least expresses that.
FediShorts ?
I was of the same opinion up until the reddit API ban. Then I had a period of not having what to do while on the toilet. Leaving alone at the time video sound was not a problem and I gravitated to yt shorts for some doom scrolling whilst pooping. Now I see the appeal and usefulness since so much time people spend on the phone instead of a TV or monitor. But as usual people abuse it, long vertical videos or landscape videos cropped or resized are terrible.