The next call of duty
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The est student (played by conventionally attractive woman) leaves the group before they meet up with the terrorists after she goes
"I... I thought we were fighting for something, but this is just going way to far!!" points at someone wearing a keffiyeh
lib girl talks to her best friend from the start of the movie who now wears a keffiyeh
Girl 1: What happened to you Meg? I don't even recognize you anymore!
Girl 2: At first, I just wanted Palestinians to be free but... now I know that Allah needs me to kill the infidels.
Girl 1: (in tears) What are you saying? What did they do to you?
Girl 2: I'm sorry, Becky. It's either us or them. But, umm... (she looks over her shoulder before leaning in and whispering) make sure you get out of DC before Friday 9 am, okay? You're still my friend.
(Girl 1 recoils in horror)
That terrorist ringleaders name? Luigi.
, Italians are no longer white
Something along these lines is 200% going to happen and I hate it. There are many other reasons, but this is one reason that DC def deserves to be nuked.
Ironically there was a similar scene in a call of duty game; you (temporarily) play as American soldiers offering help to the rebels in Afghanistan against the soviets only for them to turn around and shoot you and say something along the lines of that they'll kill every infidel and lots more nonsense propaganda intended to frighten people into manufactured consent.
Isn't this already a movie? I know Air Force One was Russians.
It’s already a few hundred movies but this time it’s evil Muslim international students at Columbia University with a suitcase nuke whose plans get stopped by heroic white frat boys from ole miss
So it's also a road trip movie? 🤔
Kind of but really it’ll just be an incoherent hodgepodge of scenes where every Zionist fantasy and delusion is validated to such an extreme extent that the characters basically turn to the camera and tell them their beliefs are correct
the real move would be for the nuke to be hidden into a new "woke" statue being used to replace a torn down statue of a patriotic slaver, suggesting that this never would have happened if we continued to venerate our mass murdering and torturing forefathers and that there is a direct link between rascist statue removal and nuclear arms proliferating terror cells.
Pfft I'm waiting to catch the docu-drama that comes out when nuclear winter blows over.
i saw a action thriller about a terrorist attack that came out recently, i was thinking it'd be like that. i was pleasantly wurprised to find out that defense contractors were responsible
As long as Kevin Sorbo is in it, I'll watch it
it'll be a sequal to the red dawn movies and named something like "red dawn: new enemies"
The only unrealistic part is the Hitler quote. No way a Hollywood screenwriter would ever actually look up a quote to use. He'd just say "survival of the fittest" or some bullshit.
It has to be directly antisemitic so the audience can understand that the Jewish character is a fake Jew who got killed for trusting the conniving Muslims
That's true. Though I still doubt it would be an actual Hitler quote, just some generic bullshit about Jews being an "inferior race" or something.
Basically stealing from your prediction, but someone is just going to rip off the Turner Diaries and change out most of the names.