
joined 4 years ago
[–] 22 points 1 hour ago

Just a minor inconvenience I'm sure.

[–] 22 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

"a rabid dog" that needed to be put down.

Where's the part about beating Joe Biden with a stick tho.

[–] 36 points 3 hours ago

That's impossible, Hezbollah was defeated! They need to stop right now! It's against the rules!

[–] 43 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Shut the fuck up you old writhing cracker. I hope someone rips out your tonsils, assuming they haven't rotted already from the inside out.

(not addressed to op, if it wasn't obvious)

[–] 49 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

In some truly doomer news, it is September 28, only 3-4 months away from the end of 2024, and still no Irish Reunification of 2024 deeper-sadness

[–] 27 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

God I wish. Mindset's in a bad place right now though.

[–] 10 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

How about you don't use Zionazi propaganda for your argument? Why should the people responding to you be expected to prove this is demonstrably false, yet you have no responsibility to back up the Zionazi's claim with evidence? I don't think there's a way to verify how true or false this is at the moment, but you're holding up the word of Zionazis as true until proven otherwise.

Like holy shit imagine some chud going "Trans people are mass-kidnapping and indoctrinating children using hypnotic dead fishes wired to broadcast woke cartoons through their eyes" and you're holding up their statement and asking people to prove that it's false, but not questioning the validity of the initial statement.

[–] 33 points 4 hours ago (4 children)

It's getting hard to keep your head up when it feels like it's just been a constant string of bad news. Cynical posts cascades the effect and creates a strong feeling of helplessness, like everything is going downhill, you've been tied up and your eyelids have been taped open to force you to watch. Is it creating the illusion that Israel is truly invincible, or is that the reality?

What does it feel like right now. That the good guys always have to make the right calls; they can never make mistakes if they want to win. But somehow they always do, they always make mistakes and I guess those mistakes always lead to their destruction. The bad guys on the other hand never make mistakes, or if they did, the good guys never capitalize on it. And even if the good guys take action and do something to hurt the bad guys... erm ackshually no it didn't harm them in any meaningful way at all really. Every time that's what it feels like.

Maybe I just need to see another video of an IOF goon getting domed.

[–] 16 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

My friend killed Elijah and loaded all the gold into his decapitated head then carried it all the way to the exit that way.

[–] 48 points 6 hours ago (6 children)

I wonder what it's like to be a Zionist. Are they happy? Is morale at an all-time high? Are they confident that the genocide will be complete and Israel's ultimate perfect victory is assured? Is Israel doing everything they want them to do and just racking up W after W, while the Resistance is too scared to respond? Have any of them died from being overloaded by constant ecstasy? Or is all of this just a matter of perspective?

[–] 48 points 7 hours ago

You don't understand, Hezbollah is no more. They literally just vanished overnight. Spooky stuff.

Oh well eternal God-king Hegemon of the Middle East Israel is reality now we just have to accept it.

[–] 42 points 7 hours ago

Also, in light of recent news, I wonder how long before Hexbear's resident lemmy pet shows up.

Hiiiii 小 baby!!!! (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/





Are there any links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy?




You're gonna need some real cold water. Either ice water or refrigerated, or really any drink that's super cold and chilled. Drink that first, slosh all that cold liquid in your mouth, and then take a piece of whatever you're eating and put it in your mouth while it's still cold inside. Preferably a small piece, just to be safe; this is still kinda risky to do.

Let me know how this works out for you if you give it a try.


There was the shocking discovery of a strange unidentified object that was orbiting Jupiter (and it was covered in a round pink cloud to indicate how hidden it was). Many believed it was a moon that we just never noticed in the entire history of studying the solar system. The whole mood of it was actually kinda eerie because we don't know what that thing is about. Also we were thinking "Life? is there life on this new moon?" and so scientists sent a probe to it to find out what it was but it won't reach there for a few days.

So I was walking around and I guess I woke up into another dream and I spoke to one of my high school teachers about it and he was like "whoa really that's crazy" and I was like "nah that's only a dream" except not really the Jupiter moon plot had not been lost yet. (Also I was disappointed when I gradually grew conscious enough to realize this was a dream I legitimately thought we found something special here.)

The shocking twist is that that was not a moon at all, it was in fact some sort of massive space station or facility that's the size of a planet or moon. "We didn't build that." This could only have been built by alien lifeforms, but how long has it been there? Some thoughts crop up such as "the government wouldn't allow people to know about this" and stuff but that ends up not really mattering, because we go to the station and for some reason I was in the group that was headed there. We found a very well-maintained lab, but were only greeted with killer security robots and I guess we dealt with them? I dunno. Despite this place looking well-maintained, there was no organic life to speak of. Yep, even in a dream there was no organic life in space.

Anyways it's time to drop that plot entirely and teleport back to Earth, where there's a zombie apocalypse now for no fucking reason, but it's also not really important. There was a family guy skit where a bunch of people step on a trap and everyone runs and steps on more traps which causes a lot of explosions and bodily harm. And then they all get injured but practically give a thumbs up as if they were okay. They were not okay. I attempt to use the powers of teleportation to go back home where i have three fans on simultaenously. That's it. Man it sure is a shame that we did not explore that fucking space facility near Jupiter any further. Shame we couldn't learn more about it. Fuck you dream.


A German art student posing as one of China's terracotta warriors at the heritage site in Xi'an,2006.
Police took 2 minutes to find the "living" one, as he did not harm the relics, he was not arrested or charged but only given a criticism, and outfit was confiscated.

Dudes rock moment?


It's pretty simple, the mod lets you find a bunker to turn into your home base and spend a lot of caps to claim areas for your chosen faction, with the option of even renaming said areas as well (eg renaming the NCRCF into Gulag or something)

Wild Card players have the option of working with one of the game's minor factions instead of just taking over with the Securitron army so you can do a pseudo Followers or Kings playthrough if you want (still ultimately just a Wild Card playthrough though). If that's not enough, there are extra factions such as Intelligent Deathclaws or Molerats you can also roll with. With Functional Post-Game Ending you can also claim the Strip for your chosen minor faction itself after the battle of Hoover Dam. However, if you choose to go with the Securitron army you can name your faction/Independent Mojave whatever the fuck you want (I think the extra factions might give that option too).

There is a China faction, but you need TTW for that and I think they're exclusive to the Capital Wasteland anyways. So uhhh, if you're like me and don't have that, you're outta luck. For those who do however, and are interested in this mod, I beseech you, please take over the U.S. capital for China, and take pics while you're at it.


Letting people know that whatever they'll see upon clicking is incredibly based/wholesome/good.

Or for example, Content Warning for dead bodies, but also the dead bodies happen to belong to dead Nazis.

What would that be called?

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