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I've tried to get into them, but it seems like they just chat? I must've missed something
Their series on Synanon and rehab boarding schools is some of their best work: https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/sets/trueanon-presents-the-game
The game is spectacular
Cannot recommend The Game enough. Haunting. The part at the end when
Brace confronts the guy was really something. The one the opened with the weird psychological abuse session was also chilling.
Ought to give it another listen.
In addition to The Game, I have to recommend all the Spider Network episodes. They're about the metastasization of Nazism throughout the world following WW2. They're kinda scattered but people have listed them here and on the TA sub a couple times if you search for Spider Network.
The episodes that are about a certain topic are good, the other ones are more just chatting.
Blowback, seasons 3 and 5 especially
This one is very niche but Hallie Rubenhold's Bad Women is about the 5 victims of Jack the Ripper, based on her book The Five. Unlike every other Jack the Ripper podcast/researcher, she went out of her way to research the five victims, who they were, and what put them where they were that night. She set out to push back on this narrative that all five were just prostitutes who "deserved it" somehow, that each of them were people with lives
She also talks about all the misogynistic hate she gets from the "Ripperologist" community about her work
Haven't listened in a while, but Casefile checked most of the boxes if I recall correctly. I just don't remember if they had the scare mongering grift.
I also appreciate how the episodes have content warnings.
Also as an aside, I hate My Favorite Murder and grew to hate Last Pod for the fact that comedians were part of their casts.
Listening to casefile now! Its good! Thank you.
Yeah I grew to dislike LPOTL because of Ben Kissel, but then at some point I was just completely turned off. Felt like they were phoning it in. Tried to relisten to an episode I had enjoyed previously and realised I just straight up had outgrown their shtick. I think you hit the nail on the head with the comedian reason. Also just so much yelling from Henry.
I kept checking in once in a while, but then they covered Utøya and that was just... It just made me see how shit they were.
Guess it required a personal relation. Henry giving Breivik a "wacky swedish chef" voice. Yeah 70 dead children is funny when it happens in Europe I guess. I also think they did some both-sidesism. It at least made it clear to me they didn't do good research anymore, if they'd ever done it. Couldn't listen to more than 15 minutes
I strongly recommend Casefile True Crime for a more serious, journalistic perspective. The host is very respectful and content warnings are provided at the beginning of each episode and in the description. The only downside to this podcast is that some episodes center around unsolved mysteries, which I personally don’t enjoy because I don’t like speculation in my true crime.
DNA ID is a good one because it leans more academic, and the host goes out of their way to interview the detectives involved in the case if she can. Can be too pro cop sometimes, which is unsurprising considering that forensic and law students appear to be the target audience.
Some good mini-series include “In the Dark”. Their latest series on Iraqi war crimes is pretty rage inducing though, so be prepared mentally if you want to listen to that one. The hosts interviews some chuds and one guy was so infuriating that I punched the inside of my car.
“Hunting Warhead” is about a CSAM creator/distributor who contributed to some of the most heinous content ever including “Daisy’s Destruction” (NSFL RESEARCH AT OWN RISK). The podcast hosts interview Warhead’s former roommate and the detectives who created a honey pot to catch this guy, and other pedophiles. It was so good I binged the whole thing in one sitting. However, the podcast deals with the worst crimes imaginable so listen at your own risk.
The first season of "In the Dark" was pretty good as far as I remember.
Someone posted "conspiracy in canton" here a few months ago aswell.
Ghost stories for the end of the world is pretty good if you like the parapolitics angle
I love this show. It makes me go insane
more of a series than a regular podcast but "Transmissions From Jonestown"
If you like Lovecraftian fiction, The Lovecraft Investigations from BBC Radio 4 is a very well produced audio drama in the guise of a true crime podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06spb8w/episodes/player
Although I guess it breaks the rule of "Don't give the perpetrators mythological gravitas" since most of the antagonists are literally magicians, aliens, and/or demons
I was cleaning up my place and found my old Last Podcast shirt lying around. Not wearing that out of the house anymore. Anyway, I fell out of them around the Pirates episode.
As for stuff I'd recommend, True Crime Garage was good at being respectful (not sure if they're still running), but their research was kinda meh compared to lpotl. The Missing Enigma spins a good yarn, but can get lurid and doesn't shy away from talking about bigfoot on some episodes.
My wife got me into "Small Town Murder". It is definitely comedic, and I think it's funny.